Brake Pedal Switch & engine mounts need replacing

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by marej, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. marej

    marej Guest

    I have a 03 Odessey, with 60,000 miles. I've had problems intermitantly with
    it disengaging from park. Honday said the brake pedal switch needed replacing
    and as a separate issue the engine mounts were broken and cracked. I've
    never had any of my vehicles have either of these problems and most of them
    have been 7-10yrs old with lots of miles. Is this normal or is Honda taking
    me for a ride?
    marej, Sep 22, 2006

  2. ---------------------------------------

    Do you mean to say that you've had problems intermittently with it NOT
    disengaging from park ? ?

    There are TSB's about the shifter disengagement problem, and is sounds
    like the DEALER is taking you for a ride. Honda can't be everywhere at
    all times watching the franchisees.

    Have you been using the shifter release trick in the manual whenever
    it's won't budge for you? See page one in this document if you don't
    have the manual in front of you:

    PDI Sheets for Odyssey

    This TSB describes a different recall on a Civic, but the shifter cable
    adjustment is (basically) the same for an Odyssey.
    Sometimes just lubing the front end of the cable (remove small cover
    under engine) is all you need, or adjust the cable so your dash
    indicators work better and your shifter will release properly. CR-V has
    similar problems if the adjustment is out, or cable gets gummed up at
    the front end. It's common to most Hondas and usually gets WAY worse
    when the weather turns cold. . . Your dealer should be able to fix it in
    about 5 minutes (if the switch isn't actually shot).

    I don't know about your motor mounts . . . Why not try an independent

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 22, 2006
  3. marej

    Woody Guest

    The brake switch is a common problem with locking in park. As for the motor
    mounts they are also a common problem. They are liquid filled and often
    leak. For lots more information go to forum and do a
    Woody, Sep 22, 2006
  4. marej

    rjdriver Guest

    My '03 Accord doesn't have the motor mount problem, but apparently
    Honda's brake switches were not very well crafted for that year, as mine
    went in less than 50m miles. The symptoms of it beginning to go are brake
    lights that stay on when your not pushing the pedal, and intermittent
    problems getting it to shift out of Park. Replacing the switch fixed it
    all. And you'll notice that the replacement switch has a beefier piston.

    If by " problems intermittently with it disengaging from park", you mean
    that you are unable to get it out of Park. Then have the switch replaced.
    It's a $10.00 part and an easy DIY install. If, on the other hand, the
    shifter is disengaging from Park on it's own, that's a bit more serious.
    Try a different Honda (or Acura) dealer if you feel you're being lied to.

    rjdriver, Sep 23, 2006
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