brake sinks only in hot weather

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by village1, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. village1

    village1 Guest

    Just recently, my 1991 Honda Accord has had brake problems. Only when
    it is hot out and the car has been in the sun, the brake pedal goes
    down to the floor with no appareet brake pad contact. When it cools
    down outside, things are fine. I just had the brake fluid changed.
    If it is a master cylinder or hose, why would it only happen when it is
    hot outside, even when I only drive it for a few miles.
    village1, Jul 26, 2006
  2. I can't think of a time when brake pedal sinking was anything besides the
    master cylinder (assuming there was no big leak somewhere.) I bet if you
    wrap the master cylinder in cold rags after it starts sinking the sinking
    will slow or stop. Or just take the short cut and replace the master
    cylinder. If it's the original, it's definitely lived a long life.

    Michael Pardee, Jul 26, 2006
  3. village1

    jim beam Guest

    master cylinder. some elastomers shrink when warm. time to change.
    you can get seal-only kits from majestic honda or replace the whole
    jim beam, Jul 26, 2006
  4. village1

    village1 Guest

    thanks -- any idea what this will run in $$?
    village1, Jul 26, 2006
  5. village1

    Jim Yanik Guest

    wrote in
    Most of the local auto parts stores are online,you can check parts
    availability and pricing easily.
    Jim Yanik, Jul 26, 2006
  6. village1

    dgk Guest

    I was losing brake fluid (91 Accord) and the problem was that the
    white plastic reservoir that sits on top of the Master Cylinder had a
    crack at the bottom. You can't get that part separately, it's only
    sold as part of the MC. So I went to the local junkyard and got a used
    MC for $40, took the cup off and replaced the cracked one. Works fine.

    That, however, left me with an unneeded used MC which is currently
    sitting in a plastic bag on the floor of my garage. If you want it
    I'll be happy to drop it in the mail. Ill monitor a junk email account
    and if you want it just send your address to:

    takethebird@(dropthis part out-even junk accounts deserve a
    dgk, Jul 27, 2006
  7. village1

    John Horner Guest

    Probably a master cylinder. The bore expands as the temperature rises,
    so it might be right on the edge. In any case, replace it!

    John Horner, Jul 27, 2006
  8. village1

    Sam Nickaby Guest

    I'm looking for this kit. My seals are shot. I've looked for it at Sleandro
    Honda and Majestic and found none under their listings. Where would it be?

    Sam Nickaby, Aug 2, 2006
  9. village1

    jim beam Guest

    depends on the vehicle. they're not offered on all models, only the
    high volume stuff like 13/16" civics, etc. if majestic don't list it,
    you can't get it and whole cylinder is your only option.
    jim beam, Aug 2, 2006
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