
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by richard doxey, Jul 24, 2004.

  1. I have a 1987 honda wagovan 4wd with mushy brakes. I first got the car the
    master cylinder resevoir was empty. I have since replaced the master
    cylinder and have bled the brakes 5 x's with a pressure bleeder. Still
    mushy! No leaks or siezed calipers. I need help!
    richard doxey, Jul 24, 2004
  2. richard doxey

    Caroline Guest

    Do you have drum brakes on the rear?

    If so, consider a rear brake adjustment.

    I flushed my 1991 Civic's brake system a few weeks ago. I goofed and let the
    level in the MC reservoir go below the bottom. Gotta bubble of air in there. I
    bled the brakes several times, using a Mityvac kit. The brakes still seemed
    mushy. Then I read that mis-adjusted rear drum brakes may fool a person into
    thinking air was in the system.

    I did a rear brake adjustment (as well as clean and lube), and this improved the
    brakes significantly.

    A brake drum adjustment reduces the gap between shoe and drum. It's supposed to
    happen automatically, but I wasn't having much luck "encouraging" that to happen
    (via driving in reverse, hitting the brakes etc.)

    I'm new to brake bleeds and drum brake adjustments, so I should note that some
    dispute that such a manual adjustment should be necessary. OTOH, others in the
    auto archives state otherwise.
    Caroline, Jul 24, 2004
  3. I remove the rear drums, grind off the protrusions on the drum's brim
    (form from wear) with a silicone carbine angle grinder. I install them, then
    make tight adjustments and the brake pedal appears to meet the
    standard for firmness. I agree that a manual adjustment is necessary.
    It'll take forever to do it automatically in a worn out drum, which is
    practically in most cars who tend to avoid machine shop
    Tibur Waltson, Jul 25, 2004
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