Brand New CRV Oil Leak

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by DP99, Sep 11, 2005.

  1. DP99

    DP99 Guest

    Hi all,

    I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this. My wife bought a
    2005 CRV a couple of weeks ago, and we took it back yesterday as it was
    leaking oil in the driveway. When I looked under the car, you could
    even see the wet oil. At the dealer, the advisor seemed suprised, and
    he said he would talk to Honda Corporate next week and try to get a
    diagnosis. His guys thought it may be a rear main seal, but they
    weren't really sure. He also said he hadn't seen this problem in his
    10+ years dealing with these cars. Of course, that's likely an
    exaggeration. The car has 600 miles on it, and I really think it's
    been leaking longer. I noticed oil spots earlier, but just assumed it
    was from a leaky seal that I had on my car a few months back.

    Has anyone here seen or heard of anything like this? I doubt the
    dealer or Honda will be likely to give us a new car, but this is pretty
    damn scary for a brand new car! Has anyone had similar experiences?

    DP99, Sep 11, 2005
  2. Perhaps the drain plug is not in tight?
    High Tech Misfit, Sep 11, 2005
  3. DP99

    jim beam Guest

    maybe crank case porosity - it's come up here a number of times on the
    newest vehicles. dealer will sort it.
    jim beam, Sep 11, 2005
  4. DP99

    mgp Guest

    I bought a new one a few months ago. At hand over the sales guy made a big
    deal about checking the oil before each trip - wonder if this is a 'known'
    problem and he was warning me
    mgp, Sep 11, 2005
  5. DP99

    SoCalMike Guest

    theres an issue with the oil filter on the CRV... might check that.
    SoCalMike, Sep 12, 2005
  6. DP99

    DP99 Guest

    Thanks for the replies on this. The service advisor said it didn't
    appear to be the filter. Also, the oil seemed to be coming falling off
    of the crankcase (or what I think is the crankcase). The porosity
    issue that was mentioned could be the problem, but I'll post more once
    they diagnose it.... hopefully tomorrow. Thanks again.

    DP99, Sep 12, 2005
  7. DP99

    jmattis Guest

    If it is as serious as porosity, you need a whole new engine, they
    can't fix that in the shop.

    They won't give you a new car, though, regardless of what's wrong. The
    exception is if you can use your state's lemon law. Keep your service
    slips and find out how many attempts your law says they must be given
    to fix the problem. The manufacturer usually also gets one try after
    that. If, after about 5 tries to fix it, it still leaks, file the
    lemon law complaint with your local authority. Make damn sure they
    write up a service slip and put it in their system each time they
    "service" the car. If it isn't officially documented, it was never
    jmattis, Sep 12, 2005
  8. DP99

    DP99 Guest

    So, we finally got a diagnosis from Honda. It seems like the car needs
    a rear main seal. That's pretty sad for a new car, but it's not as bad
    as I was initially thinking. Hopefully that really fixes the problem,
    and thanks to all for your responses.

    DP99, Sep 14, 2005
  9. DP99

    Abeness Guest

    Occasional early failure of manfactured parts (in all areas of
    manufacturing) is not unheard of, and is in fact expected--or at least
    anticipated. That's one reason you have a warranty.
    Abeness, Sep 14, 2005
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