Broken 90 Honda Accord Antenna

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Steve Arndt, Dec 17, 2003.

  1. Steve Arndt

    Steve Arndt Guest

    My antenna on my 90 Accord EX 4 dr has broken. The motor makes a whiring
    sound when it's trying to raise or lower the antenna. But the pieces of the
    antenna float inside each other. It will stay fully extend and only lower a
    little. I would assume the motor is fine but the mast is broken. Would
    this seem logical or do I need to replace the full combination? How easy is
    this to do? Can someone point me to somewhere online to instructions how I
    would replace either the mast or the motor/mast combination?

    Steve Arndt, Dec 17, 2003
  2. Steve Arndt

    Eric Guest

    I'm not sure if this is the info that you're after, but there is an online
    version of the factory service manual at and info on the radio
    and antenna can be found at

    Eric, Dec 17, 2003
  3. You should be able to buy a replacement at any Honda dealership but could
    get a better deal at car junkyard that is on a computer network of lots of
    junk yards. If they don't have a wrecked Honda Accord like the one you
    have they still should be able to get you the part or parts you need from
    one of the other junk yards on their network. Once you get the replacement
    antenna, I suggest that you use 3 in 1 oil to clean and lubricate it. I
    advise you to do this about once a month. I recently learned that some
    companies make a silicon spray--if you can find it--use it instead of 3 in
    1 oil. The silicon spray does not collect dirt like regular oil. Don't use
    WD40 since it does not hold up well over time--it actually turns into a
    glue like substance. I learned this the hard way after using WD 40 in a
    Bill B. Johnson, Dec 17, 2003
  4. Steve Arndt

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    I replaced my antenna with a nice one from the Parts America store. It
    is a fixed length one with a rubber mast. I used silicone glue to help
    it stay on and to make it water proof. Has worked fine for five or six
    years. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Dec 18, 2003
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