Broken glovebox hinge support on 1991 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Mark G., Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Mark G.

    Mark G. Guest

    Good morning.

    My 1991 Accord glovebox is hanging down on the righthand side.
    I removed the glovebox, and discovered that the righthand bracket
    (the bracket that the hinge crossbar bolts onto) has broken off from
    the dashboard support. This is a metal strip encapsulated in the foam
    core of the dashboard. Any ideas on how I might fix it?

    Mark G., Apr 26, 2010
  2. Mark G.

    Tegger Guest

    Get another glovebox from the wreckers. Really cheaply, too.
    Tegger, Apr 26, 2010
  3. Mark G.

    Mark G. Guest

    The glovebox door itself is fine, it's the hinge

    mounting on the dashboard assembly that has broken off.

    Photos here:

    The broken piece is in the two bottom photos. Note the

    metal bracket encapsulated in foam, the metal bracket

    has cracked and broken away from the dashboard frame.

    I'm thinking that perhaps I could epoxy the broken

    bit back in place, and then surround it with a

    layup of fiberglass cloth and epoxy?
    Mark G., Apr 26, 2010
  4. Mark G.

    E. Meyer Guest

    Just get some JB Weld & reinforce it with a thin strip of metal, or dig into
    the dash of one at the wreckers & see if the part is actually removable.
    E. Meyer, Apr 26, 2010
  5. Mark G.

    Mark G. Guest

    Hmm. Maybe I can fabricate a metal dogleg and JB Weld the broken
    piece to it. Then reattach the dogleg to the dashboard with a fiberglass
    Mark G., Apr 26, 2010
  6. Mark G.

    Tegger Guest

    Wanna re-post that pic of the glovebox opening with either your finger or
    an arrow showing where that piece came from? Most of your pictures are
    taken from up too close, and with few recognizable reference points.

    If the fractured piece is part of the padded dash cover, I've successfully
    repaired similar breaks with pieces sawed off of wrecks.
    Tegger, Apr 27, 2010
  7. Mark G.

    Jim Yanik Guest

    some plastics are next to impossible to glue.
    I have found some success with construction adhesive,like Liquid Nails.

    Jim Yanik
    dot com
    Jim Yanik, Apr 27, 2010
  8. Mark G.

    Mark G. Guest

    Mark G., Apr 27, 2010
  9. Mark G.

    Tegger Guest did you fix it?
    Tegger, Apr 28, 2010
  10. Mark G.

    Mark G. Guest

    I haven't yet. I'm interested in any ideas that might work.

    I'm thinking about getting some metal stock and making a dogleg to match
    the angle of the righthand edge of the glovebox opening. Rivet or JB Weld
    the broken piece to the end, fit it in place, and plaster it down with some
    epoxy and fiberglass cloth.
    Mark G., Apr 28, 2010
  11. Mark G.

    jim beam Guest

    just use aluminum sheet snipped to size and epoxy. works great in my crx.
    jim beam, Apr 28, 2010
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