Bummed Out

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dick, Feb 28, 2004.

  1. Dick

    Dick Guest

    Just took our 2003 Accord EX V-6 w/Nav (7 months old) in for service
    and wash/polish today. When it came back from the Auto Butler
    treatment, there was a huge dent in the driver's side rear fender.
    The dent was about 1" deep and 10" in diameter (irregular shape.) The
    dealer thought that the Auto Butler (which is a polish machine) had
    done it. I always felt the Auto Butler was a gimmick to add to the
    dealer profit, but couldn't get out of buying it with the car so I
    scheduled for the first application.

    To say that I am bummed out doesn't begin to describe how mad I am.
    This car was absolutely flawless, without a single nick or scratch.
    Now, it's ruined (by my definition.) I know you can't help me, I just
    wanted to get it off my chest with some Honda owners. They are going
    to try dentless paint repair, but I have my doubts with such a big
    dent. Now I am relegated to driving a rented Civic for a few days.

    Dick, Feb 28, 2004
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