Buying a new car on the internet

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John Smith, Jan 2, 2004.

  1. John Smith

    John Smith Guest

    If you have done so, will you mind sharing your experience? Thanks in
    John Smith, Jan 2, 2004
  2. John Smith

    JAC Guest

    I think it really depends on the particular service you are thinking
    about using.

    In general, the free services are basically just referral services.
    In exchange for a "no haggle" experience, you get an "OK" deal,
    nothing more. You can certainly bargain for a better deal yourself,
    if you are good at it.

    Then there are the pay services that actually negotiate with multiple
    dealers on your behalf. I've never used those, but if I would, I
    would expect better financial results than the free referral services.
    JAC, Jan 2, 2004
  3. John Smith

    Peter L Guest

    It was a great experience. I bought a 2003 Honda Civic EX via the Internet
    service on The dealers responded quickly with their
    quotations. I "negotiated" the final price via e-mail with the 2 best
    quotations and then "polished" the price during the final meeting with the
    dealer that eventually sold me the car.

    Make a point of visiting the dealers of choice to demonstrate your sincerity
    on the car purchase.

    In the end, I got a great deal with minimum hassle.
    Peter L, Jan 2, 2004
  4. John Smith

    tomamaron Guest

    Ugh, accidently posted this on wrong thread earlier, but here goes:

    Here's how I went about buying my Civic last week. First off I went and test
    drove the models I was interested in (corolla, protege/mazda3, civic,
    elantra) and each time they tried to sit me down I told them I had to go to
    competition and I'd be back. So once I had it down to the Civic I looked at
    carsdirect price, which seemed pretty good (about 500 under invoice). I then
    took that price and called a bunch of the local Honda dealerships (there's a
    crapload in Atlanta, GA area) and asked to speak to internet manager. A few
    refused to match, a few did, and two dealerships in the boondocks of metro
    Atlanta started beating the price. It got to about 800 under invoice + tax
    (no junk fees) and I took it. The only number I ever threw out was the
    carsdirect number, after that it was a matter of just asking these people
    over the phone to match or beat. From first call, I was done in about two
    hours with a bunch of phone conversations, only stop into dealership was to
    get my car.

    So, lessons learned:
    1. Dealer hopping is a waste of your/there time... only do it to test the
    cars out.
    2. Use lowest price you can find as starting point, email/call to get a
    3. Go pick up your car.
    tomamaron, Jan 2, 2004
  5. We just got a Civic Hybrid and did almost the entire thing over the

    I got quotes from Internet managers via several services (autobytel and
    Edmunds, I think). Let them negotiate via email, then called the Internet
    manager only when I'd agreed on the price. Went in, gave them a check, got
    the car. According to the net sites, we got the car for $300 below invoice
    (so with dealer holdback, they were still able to make a bit of money).

    My big piece of advice if you use the internet is not to put your correct
    phone number in when you register at autobytel, etc. Otherwise, even if you
    clearly say you don't want phone calls, everyone calls you immediately.

    Alex M. Stein, Jan 3, 2004
  6. John Smith

    tomamaron Guest

    I'm still getting phone calls from last week's car stuff. You need to give
    right number though if you are honest about trying to get them to do
    business with you. I'm sure the internet people at dealerships get a lotta
    junk and people just toying with them. I mean, I dealt with about 20
    dealerships via/email phone and only 2-3 got my patronage.
    tomamaron, Jan 3, 2004
  7. You don't have to do anything.

    For too long, dealers and salesmen have been dishonest with buyers. I'm not
    worried that they won't want to do business with me, especially when I've
    got the money and give them the correct contact information -- when I say
    "no phone calls accepted" and give them the correct email address, anyone
    who tries calling is disregarding my instructions anyway!

    I made the mistake six months ago of putting in my real phone number and
    requesting only email responses and got no email responses and only phone
    calls. And one told me that they don't even get the email addresses
    forwarded and only get them by request if they try a phone number and it
    doesn't work!

    When you're ready to buy, you call them to set up a time to come in.
    Otherwise, there's no reason to have salesmen bugging you over the phone.

    For far too long, dealers and salesmen have had the power in car-buying
    transactions. With the Internet, we can make them earn our business. And
    if someone can't take a minute or two to respond to an email at their
    convenience, they aren't trying hard enough.

    Alex M. Stein, Jan 3, 2004
  8. John Smith

    JXStern Guest

    Clicked on everyone available at

    Got several emails within a day, and one or two phone calls.

    Emailed one back asking for lease rates, he phoned me, quoted me good

    I had to go down there to negotiate on my trade-in.

    But got only a fraction of the hassle a street walk-in would get, get
    an OK deal, maybe a little better than OK.

    I strongly recommend going this way.

    OTOH, I can't really understand *why* they hassle you less simply
    because you started via Internet, but that's the way it seems!

    JXStern, Jan 3, 2004
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