Buzzing at startup/ring gear

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by SmarSquid, Jan 16, 2005.

  1. SmarSquid

    SmarSquid Guest

    '87 Accord - automatic transmission replaced 30,000 miles/2 years ago.

    When I went to start my car today, it happened...I got that high pitched
    buzzing noise. It sounds a lot like the noise when you mitakenly start a car
    when it is already running.

    I've dealt with this before in another car, and I remember a mechanic
    mentioning to me that a problem in the ring gear was to blame. I never had
    it fixed - dismantling the transmission and replacing parts was cost
    prohibitve, to say the very least. Anyway, I drove the car for quite a
    while. The noise would appear intermittently, but after a couple of tries I
    could always start the car. I observed no other problems in operating the
    vehicle (nothing remotely related, anyway) once I got the engine running.

    In my current vehicle, what other components could I or should I rule out
    before I can confidently assume that the ring gear is a problem? Is the ring
    gear part of the flywheel assembly, or can just the ring gear itself be

    Assuming ring gear replacement is prescribed, can a person just "let this
    go" until the startup difficulties become more painful than the cost of
    pursuing a solution, or is there likely additional wear and tear as a result
    of the events and actions which make up the buzzing noise? Also, in addition
    to whatever damage occurs during those few seconds of buzzing, does the
    underlying problem go on to further damage/effect other components even
    after the car has been started? My hope, of course, is that the needed
    mechanical repairs will be exactly the same (parts and labor) whether I had
    the issue fixed today or in a year or two or however long it would take
    before reliably and quickly starting the car became an urealistic
    expectation. Actually, I only need a couple of years out of this car and
    then I can move on. I think the car's got those two years in it (excluding
    the unknown ring gear factor). I'd like to just live with the occasional
    horrible noise and a few additional seconds in turning over the motor, but
    not if it is likely to make a serious dent in my two-year expectation.
    SmarSquid, Jan 16, 2005
  2. SmarSquid

    Randolph Guest

    It certainly *could* be the ring gear, but it is more likely to be a
    problem with the starter.
    Randolph, Jan 16, 2005
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