Can’t remove key

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Kimo, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. Kimo

    Kimo Guest

    I have a 91 Civic auto, I can’t turn key past acc position to remove
    it until I hear a click from ignition switch, then it works fine.
    sometimes I have to wait only a few seconds, sometimes up to a minute.
    Maybe only once every 20-30 times do i not have to wait at all. Seems
    the shorter the trip the longer the wait. Was told to replace ignition
    switch, I did, but didn’t help. Sometimes i have problem with shift
    lock and have to push a nail into slot to shift out of park, could
    this be related, because when trying to shift I can hear a clicking in
    steering column. Does the "shift lock solenoid" have anything to do
    with the key release thats not allowing me to remove the key without
    waiting? :?:
    Kimo, Jan 15, 2007
  2. Kimo

    motsco_ Guest


    If its worse when COLD outside, try this TSB for the adjustment:

    It's not for your exact model, but its common to about a billion Hondas.

    motsco_, Jan 15, 2007
  3. Kimo

    Gina Guest

    Amazing. I was going to ask the same question earlier
    today! Most be the cold weather some of us are experiencing today
    that is causing this.

    Thanks for the answer Curly! :)
    Gina, Jan 15, 2007
  4. The problem is definitely in this area. Replacing the console switch
    may be necessary if cable adjustment doesn't do it.
    Gordon McGrew, Jan 15, 2007
  5. Kimo

    josebgb90 Guest

    same thing happened to me once..just try turning the steering wheel
    from side to side if it starts jammin
    josebgb90, Jan 20, 2007
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