Can I complain???????????????????????

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Fly, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. Fly

    Fly Guest

    I believe I got cheated big time on my car lease. I bought a Civic
    2002 when the new 2003's were coming in. Since I was new into the
    country I did not have credit at that time. The only option I was
    given was $5000 down payment and a monthly lease payment of $ 400
    (incl tax) with a buy out at the end of 48 months of $7900 (incl tax).
    The buy out is good but I think I got duped bigtime. Pls let me know
    if I can get out of the lease somehow or complain against the leasing
    company or something. There should be a cap on how much you can cheat.
    Fly, Nov 11, 2003
  2. Fly

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    For that kinda money, you could've leased a Mercedes, BMW or a Lexus!

    Yeah, you were ripped off, but nothing you can do about it now. The only
    options are transfering the lease to someone else (fat chance) or pushing it
    off a cliff. You can also terminate the lease early but that'll cost thousands.
    Personally, I'd find a nice windy mtn road and "accidentially" put it in
    neutral. But make sure your insurance is up to date and that there's GAP

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Nov 11, 2003
  3. Fly

    John Cho Guest

    Ouch! are we talking US $$$ ???
    John Cho, Nov 11, 2003
  4. Fly

    pars Guest

    The total cost of the least discribed below works out to about $32,000
    which would be the total cost of a high-end Civic. Assuming a top of the
    line EX-G or Si-G with Automatic tranny and factoring the price of
    borrowing (6.8% intrest payment), the total cost of the car at the end
    of the financing would be $31,000. Since your credit is bad, you're
    probably paying more then 10% on your intrest payment, which would add
    another $1000 to your total payment for the car.

    pars, Nov 11, 2003
  5. Fly

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    The total cost of the least discribed below works out to about $32,000

    Depends on where he lives.

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Nov 11, 2003
  6. Fly

    Roadie Roger Guest

    If you paid $19,600 for the car, $550 for delivery, $907 Sales Tax
    (does not include tax on residual amount), $392 License and
    Registration then your interest rate equivalent is 21.9% (or a money
    factor of 0.00913). This is a common rate for an unsecured credit
    card if your credit rating is in poor health. Car dealers often claim
    there is no "sales price" or "interest rate". That's because they
    don't want to tell you what they are. These are typical California
    lease numbers, pre triple car tax. Did you get extended warranty,
    paint protection, disability insurance and all that good stuff the F&I
    guy pushes? The big joke would be if he qualified you for the 2.9%
    factory financing and took the split. At least you got an education.
    It is very expensive not to "crunch the numbers". There is always
    next time.

    Bummer dude,
    Roadie Roger
    Roadie Roger, Nov 11, 2003
  7. Fly

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    If you paid $19,600 for the car, $550 for delivery, $907 Sales Tax
    Since when do Civics cost over $20K? Unless he's talking about Civic Hybrid
    (which I don't think was available til late 2002 or early 2003).

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Nov 11, 2003
  8. Fly

    Roadie Roger Guest

    I was just trying to figure out how he got so screwed as well. If
    they sense your fear that you won't be able to get a car anywhere,
    they really put on the thumbscrews. They must have put some price
    down on the contract to make sure it would hold up in court. A 2003
    Civic Sedan (should be similar to a 2002) LX Auto with side airbags is
    $16,260 MSRP. Let's see if I can guess how the conversation with the
    Finance and Insurance guy went.

    Well Mr. Fly, since you'll want to take really good care of this car,
    you'll be wanting the $995 extended warranty (since the standard
    warranty is 36 months/36,000 miles). Because you are financing you'll
    need the $995 death and disability policy. No worry, we can roll all
    this into your easy monthly payments. Paint protection is only $495.
    You'll probably want to keep the car at the end of the lease and if
    there is the slightest problem with the paint, ever, we'll factory
    repaint the whole car, yadda yadda. We'll throw in the undercoating
    for the same price. Our special security key is only $115 and stops
    car thieves cold. Our local advertising is $200, but you'll have to
    pay that no matter which dealership you go to (I got hit $200-$400
    dollars advertising fee at Toyota dealerships). And because we have
    such low overhead we only charge $45 for documentation fees.
    $16,260 + $995 + $995 + $495 +$495 + $200 + $115 + $45 = $19,600

    Note that I didn't even have to start out with a much more expensive
    EX, SI or GX. Of course, I wasn't there, so I have no idea what
    really happened. As you said, $400 a month is a breathtaking lease
    price for a Civic. They made it add up somehow.

    Roadie Roger
    Roadie Roger, Nov 12, 2003
  9. Fly

    pars Guest

    In Canada, a bare bone Civic DX Coupe would cost 19,500 while the top of
    the line Automatic equipped Si goes for 27,500. That's a huge difference
    for basically the same car and power train. (Power difference between
    the Si and DX motor is a joke). Then there's the additional cost of
    financing (or leasing) to be considered. (Note: Price include the 15%
    GST/PST and delivery expenses)

    Given that Honda doesn't usually offer incentives, the Civic has become
    a very expensive car. Personally, I've been recommending the Hyundai
    Elentra and the Echo Hatch to entry level buyers. But to my
    disappointment, these young buyers have their hart set on getting a
    Honda. Granted that the Civic reputation is well earned, but at what
    cost?... If Honda wants to price themselves out of the entry level
    market, it's not a huge lost, since Toyota is able to take-up the slack.

    pars, Nov 12, 2003
  10. Fly

    Fly Guest

    Hey all you guys out there. Thanks for your replies. I guess I did
    get cheated but not that much. I forgot to mention that I am talking
    Canadian $$$ and not at todays exchange rate. Also, all prices
    include 15% tax (THEY'RE PRETTY HIGH IN THIS COUNTRY). But yes I got
    an education. Thanks a lot.
    Fly, Nov 12, 2003
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