can I get fined for this?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Happynappygory, Aug 9, 2003.

  1. I have a Honda with a registration month of July. It's now August but DMV has
    yet to send me the renewel sticker. Should I continue to wait or do I have to
    go to the DMV for a duplicate? Would it cost extra $?

    In the meantime, what should I do to make sure my car isn't fined? Tape the
    cancelled check to the windshield? steal my neighbor's and sticking it on my
    plate? (j/k.... but my neighbor did steal it off my car once.)
    Happynappygory, Aug 9, 2003
  2. Happynappygory

    Guest Guest

    That would depend upon what part of the world you are in. Here in
    California as long as you are in the computer, you're fine as all they want
    is the money. However, if you are in Singapore you will be caned, and in
    Saudi Arabia, beheaded with a sword.


    Guest, Aug 9, 2003
  3. Happynappygory

    John Ings Guest

    How should we know? Where the hell ARE you?
    That makes a lot of difference with respect to what you should do.
    John Ings, Aug 9, 2003
  4. How should we know? Where the hell ARE you?
    Sorry. CA.
    Happynappygory, Aug 9, 2003
  5. Happynappygory

    pars Guest


    How about Thailand, where they put you away for the rest of your life.

    pars, Aug 9, 2003
  6. I think the penalty is that you are kicked off the governor recall
    Gordon McGrew, Aug 9, 2003
  7. Happynappygory

    Bald Eagle Guest

    Actually, I think it's that you are put ON the governor recall ballot, and
    have to arm-wrestle "Ah-nuld". ;-/
    Bald Eagle, Aug 9, 2003
  8. Happynappygory

    Gus Guest

    Lock your car in a garage and don't touch it until you have the sticker.
    Gus, Aug 9, 2003
  9. Happynappygory

    Gus Guest

    Cool! Can I watch?
    Gus, Aug 9, 2003
  10. call the DMV and see what's up. They may have screwed up.
    if they got your payment, but haven't sent you a sticker, a wise police
    officer should be able to look it up, or believe your story and you should
    be okay.
    Peter Doherty, Aug 10, 2003
  11. Happynappygory

    Nick Guest

    That's what is going to be your worse problem...being stopped. If you
    put your canceled check in th eback window, that is just going to
    cause more attention to you and will have a greater chance of being

    Nick, Aug 10, 2003
  12. Happynappygory

    Gus Guest

    Carrying a copy of your canceled check should be pretty persuasive.
    Gus, Aug 11, 2003
  13. Happynappygory

    Me Guest

    That causes more trouble than it's worth. In Oklahoma, I got my
    reminder on May 3rd for my May sticker, sent in the check the same
    day, got it cashed on May 16th, but still hadn't gotten the sticker on
    June 4th. Fortunately, Oklahoma and most other states have a one month
    grace period. However, when I called the DMV, I was told I needed a
    VIN inspection since I had an out-of-state title, which is odd since
    I've had the car registered here for 3 years. I went to the tag
    agency, and they told me that since I had lost my sticker, they could
    sell me another one for $16. I said I'm not paying twice for something
    I never even had once, and called the DMV from in front of the
    building. They put me on hold for 30 minutes after I told them that
    SOMEONE was doing something wrong, and I hung up. I got the sticker
    two days later.

    Me, Aug 11, 2003
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