can I mix a type 2 Honda coolant with traditional green coolant?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mmdir2005, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. mmdir2005

    mmdir2005 Guest

    I know people have talked about this and I tried to find
    out by asking to saleman as Autozone and Pepboy. They all
    said it's ok to mix a traditoin green coolant and type 2.
    I'm not sure I'm quick to believe that. Those sale guys just
    want to sell their stuff...I need to find out more.
    mmdir2005, Oct 14, 2005
  2. mmdir2005

    Elle Guest

    Just my opinion, but I think you'll sleep better if you do a drain and
    refill and put in either OEM coolant or Havoline Dexcool.

    I don't find the Autozone and Pep Boy folks knowledgeable about the
    idiosyncrasies of Hondas. The coolant, and how the wrong coolant can damage
    water pumps, is one such idiosyncrasy.
    Elle, Oct 14, 2005
  3. mmdir2005

    zonie Guest

    I would not use dex-cool. Plenty of GM owners had big problems with the
    stuff. You are right, Honda's are very sensitive about what fluids you use
    in them. I thinks its best to just use the genuine products. Scott
    zonie, Oct 14, 2005
  4. mmdir2005

    Elle Guest

    Google for dexcool and Honda. Plenty of Honda owners have done fine with it.
    I have been using dexcool for going on three years now (changed at 2.5
    years) to no adverse effect.

    Of course if one does not want to gamble, use the OEM.
    Elle, Oct 14, 2005

  5. Fine to mix it. Just don't put it in your Honda.
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 15, 2005
  6. mmdir2005

    TeGGeR® Guest

    wrote in

    Depends what you mean by "traditional green coolant". Do you mean SILICATED
    green antifreeze, or "Long Life" green?

    For the most part, you can mix the non-silicated ones, but your corrosion
    protection is reduced to 2 years. In the worst-case scenario, the corrosion
    inhibitors will react with each other and wreck your motor.

    What specific brands/models of antifreeze are we talking about here?
    TeGGeR®, Oct 15, 2005
  7. mmdir2005

    mmdir2005 Guest

    I don't know silicated or long life in my radiator. The new gallon
    I've bought at local Honda dealer
    is pre-mixed dark orange Type 2 coolant. Since the color is not same, I
    suspect they are not
    same chemical. I've read other saying that don't mix a honda one with
    other brand. Ok I will NOT
    mix. I'm going to replace water pump and coolant I need
    an another gallon of
    coolant for draining & flushing & refilling?
    mmdir2005, Oct 15, 2005
  8. mmdir2005

    TeGGeR® Guest

    wrote in

    No. All you need is to drain the rad, heater, *AND the block*. Make sure
    your heater is turned to full hot!!

    Stick a garden hose in the rad filler neck. Close rad drain, let water run
    into rad and out of block drain until clear, then open the rad drain until
    the rad runs clear.

    Open al the drains again, and let it drain. Then close all drains and
    refill with new antifreeze.Your Type 2 should be premixed, so you won't
    even need a bottle of distilled water.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 15, 2005
  9. mmdir2005

    Elle Guest

    You have an 89 Civic, right? Depending on what specific model (automatic or
    manual; Si or not; EX or not; hatchback or sedan) you own, you'll need 1.175
    gallon to 1.3 gallon to refill the system. Chilton's gives the exact number
    for a specific model.
    Elle, Oct 15, 2005
  10. mmdir2005

    SadaYama Guest


    No. All you need is to drain the rad, heater, *AND the block*. Make
    your heater is turned to full hot!!

    Stick a garden hose in the rad filler neck. Close rad drain, let water
    into rad and out of block drain until clear, then open the rad drain
    the rad runs clear.

    Open al the drains again, and let it drain. Then close all drains and
    refill with new antifreeze.Your Type 2 should be premixed, so you won't

    even need a bottle of distilled water.
    Also, don't forget to bleed the coolant.
    SadaYama, Oct 17, 2005
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