Can I trust my 89 Civic on 200,000 miles?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Leo Lee, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. Leo Lee

    Leo Lee Guest

    Automobile is like a partner. I asked this question because I don't know
    how much I have to trust my car with 200,000 on with it. It's 89 automatic
    civic. Current I have tiny problems. I mean some tiny problems like the car
    does not start right away after parked for many hours or in the morning.
    I'm worry if my car is getting old or this is the sign of getting old.
    I mean OLD. didn't I replaced or mainstain the necessiry parts?
    Can I trust my partner?
    Leo Lee, Oct 10, 2003
  2. Leo Lee

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    No. Dump that old bitch and get yourself a young lil tramp.

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Oct 10, 2003
  3. Leo Lee

    redeyedevil Guest

    Go out and start the car every couple of hours then you don't have the
    problem and it will be good for another 100 thousand miles.
    redeyedevil, Oct 10, 2003
  4. Leo Lee

    Saintor Guest

    Anything goes. If you don't maintain a car that has "some tiny problems
    like the car
    does not start right away after parked for many hours or in the morning",
    you just increase dramatically the risk.
    Saintor, Oct 10, 2003
  5. -----------------------


    Here's a _useful_ answer:

    Your car probably has lots of good miles left in her, and if you tell us
    the full details / conditions about your little problems, maybe we can
    help you solve them. Once those nagging problems have been resolved
    you'll have a more optimistic/ unclouded perspective about whether your
    car really is worthy of your trust.

    We're here to help each other.

    Be sure to include things like local temperature and service history in
    your descriptions. It could be something simple. Is it and injected

    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 10, 2003
  6. Leo Lee

    Leo Lee Guest

    I'm in Southern California.

    My service history in past 3 years (that's all I remember)
    - oil and transmission change regularly (I did)
    - New bettery
    - Replaced Starter from Refurished one.
    - Just replaced Spart Plugs
    - Fixed main relay starting problem
    - Replaced Oxygen Sensor

    Things I didn't do:
    - Tune up
    - New spark plug wires

    Ignition not starting right away probably has to do with fuel
    system such as fuel filter and main relay.3 months ago, I did fixed
    the main relay fault which is defected in most 88 and 93 Civic and
    Accord model. I did resoldering the joining point inside of main relay
    part. After that the car started right away. But now I put the key in
    the ignition does not start. It seems it I have to wait just put the
    key in the hole and waiting few second, then it started. Now I have to
    wait longer. One time I have to wait more than a 2 minutes. I'm not
    sure this is has to do a problem on Starter. My best guess is there
    still is a problem between main relay and fuel filter.
    Leo Lee, Oct 11, 2003
  7. I don't know if this is what appeared as my reply on other servers or if
    it's just my server which is screwed up but this is obviously not my post.
    I'lll see if I can repost correctly.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Oct 11, 2003
  8. Leo Lee

    93 Fox Guest

    I had an 87 civic up until the beginning of this year. It had 250,000 miles
    on it, and was running just fine (though I think it needed a new radiator).
    Then, much to my dismay, an SUV totaled it (from behind) while I was stopped
    at a red light. My point, she's probably got tens of thousands of miles
    left... unless you wreck her :)
    93 Fox, Oct 19, 2003
  9. Leo Lee

    Mark Reichow Guest

    All old Honda's have this problem. Either replace the Main Fuel Relay
    (about $40) or refurbish it by renewing the solder traces on the
    Mark Reichow, Oct 21, 2003
  10. Agree... main relay is most likely the problem.

    I just got rid of a 91 with 220k miles and it was still a great car.
    Regretted getting rid of it so much that I just bought another one!
    Randy Crowder, Oct 22, 2003
  11. Leo Lee

    Leo Lee Guest

    I did patch work on main relay. Sometimes it does not start right away.
    I was thinking about the main relay problem again.
    Leo Lee, Oct 23, 2003
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