Can Someone Please Give Me a Definitive Answer On This?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve Lee, Aug 23, 2003.

  1. Steve Lee

    Steve Lee Guest

    If a car knocks/pings when being driven, but does not make the same
    noise at all when the car's in park or in neutral, can it still be
    considered to have the same problems normally associated with cars
    that are knocking/pinging because of octane deficiency, carbon build
    in the engine, misfiring of the pistons and etc?

    I've posed this question to many people and I seem to get many
    different answers and has now confused me even more than ever. Thanks
    for your time and courtesy.
    Steve Lee, Aug 23, 2003
  2. Steve Lee

    Eric Guest

    Sure. Most pinging typically only occurs when the engine is under load.
    Eric, Aug 23, 2003
  3. Steve Lee

    Steve Lee Guest

    Super, thanks, Eric!
    Steve Lee, Aug 23, 2003
  4. I agree with the intelligent poster that told you that the knocking or
    pinging almost always occurs when the vehicle is under load such as when
    you are going up a long grade. If you have an older car, you can reduce
    the pinging by adjusting the timing--the timing needes to be slighly
    retarded. On newer Honda Accords--they have a knock sensor that
    automatically retards the timing when a knock is detected. The timing goes
    back to normal after the sensor no longer detects or notices a knock or
    ping. Older cars don't have knock sensors.
    Bill B. Johnson, Aug 23, 2003
  5. Steve Lee

    Daniel Guest

    NIssan MAximas have had knock sensors since 1993 also. Perhaps other
    vehicules have had them also.
    Daniel, Aug 24, 2003
  6. Steve Lee

    John D. Guest

    You will notice engine pinging when said engine is under load, i.e.,
    it's in a state OTHER than just idling..."driving about" if you will.

    A rising/uphill grade -- when the engine is under the MOST severe load
    -- would for sure show any pinging IF it's going to happen, but just
    be aware that it can happen when the engine is in ANY other state than
    just at idle.

    Just use the minimum octane your car requires (as per the Owner's
    Manual) and you'll be okay.

    John D.
    John D., Aug 24, 2003
  7. Steve Lee

    Tony Hwang Guest

    New cars prevent that via knock sensor and ECU.
    Tony Hwang, Aug 24, 2003
  8. Steve Lee

    John D. Guest

    Yes, but the original poster asked about a "hypothetical" car that
    that IS pinging in one situation but not in another. I was just
    addressing that.

    John D.
    John D., Aug 24, 2003
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