Can you siphon gas from a 97 Accord LX? Need quick answer!

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Ranking, Nov 10, 2007.

  1. Ranking

    Ranking Guest

    Today or tomorrow is my last chance to siphon any gas.

    Here's the deal: My 97 Accord was totaled last week, the day after I
    filled the tank. The other driver was cited, it was his fault, but his
    insurance company won't pay for the gas. So I'm trying to siphon it

    The hood is smashed in, so I can't get to the fuel injector to get the
    gas that way, and my attempts to siphon out any gas from the tank have
    yielded about a cup's worth of gas.

    I need to do this tonight or tomorrow as we've settled up and until
    they receive my letter, the car and gas are still mine. It's sitting
    at a collision center so I have to drag my tools with me.

    I've tried shoving a thick piece of wire down the neck to see if there
    was a secondary flap, or some sort of screen stopping the siphoning
    device I purchased from the auto store, but that didn't work, it was
    about 2 ft long.

    So, last chance to do this and dammit I'm willing to try! They paid me
    119 dollars less than I paid for the car about a year ago, so that was
    pretty nice. But if I can get 40 bucks worth of gas out of the thing,
    that would be sweet and I've nothing better to do with my time, lol.

    Any suggestions? Like I said, I can't get to the fuel injectors, the
    front end is all smashed in.

    Thanks much, and I gotta say, those 97 airbags are pretty sweet. The
    thing still starts and the horn even works! I was only going 25, but
    man, they helped.
    Ranking, Nov 10, 2007
  2. Ranking

    Pszemol Guest

    Yes, it is pretty pathetic... :)
    Are you sure the fuel is still there?
    Maybe it was already drained out for safety?
    All cars going to the junkyard are drained off all fluids which
    are then recycled to prevent pouring them to the ground.
    If you ask for suggestions I would tell you - forget about the gas
    and spend some time towards something more usefull, like
    looking for a nice replacement car...
    Pszemol, Nov 12, 2007
  3. Ranking

    dold Guest

    I have several vehicles where it isn't possible to siphon gas because of
    the route of the fuel filler into the tank. If the filler is in the left
    rear fender, and the fuel tank is ahead of the rear suspension, there are
    probably a few 90 degree angles in the filler route. Gasoline can follow
    that route, but your siphon hose won't.
    dold, Nov 12, 2007
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