Car bought from a dealer but Mileage maybe rolled back

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Suleman Yasin, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Hi I bought a car about 2 weeks ago and today I ran a Carfax on it and they
    reported the mileage to be 164000 miles in June and my car is at 169,000 KM
    when i bought iti think the dealer rolled back the mileage and I want to do
    something about this is there a law I can notify because i feel scammed big
    time I bought a 1992 Acura Legend for $7400 with tax but even on the bill it
    doesnt show that the guy put the mileage on it.
    Suleman Yasin, Jul 22, 2003
  2. Suleman Yasin

    RiCK Guest

    You didn't get it. 164000 MILES before, 169000 KILOMETERS now. 164000
    Miles is about 260000 KILOMETERS. Could it be the carfax report just
    screwed up and it should have been KM not miles? Then the #'s would make

    RiCK, Jul 22, 2003
  3. ok this is what it says

    Auto Auction

    Sold at auction in
    Listed as a
    dealer vehicle with
    264117 kilometers
    Suleman Yasin, Jul 22, 2003
  4. Suleman Yasin

    Paul Bielec Guest

    Don't even bother going back to the dealer. Go to your local Police station
    right away. This is fraud and, as such, it is a criminal offence.
    You could also call a lawyer specialized in fraud to see what is the way to
    If there is a record of your car with higher milleage that it is today, this
    will void the sale contract and you should get your money back.
    Paul Bielec, Jul 22, 2003
  5. Suleman Yasin

    Ghislain Guest

    I have a copy of a CarFax report, but it only states that no odometer
    readings were reported. Can one specify kilometers or miles when reporting
    odometer readings or are miles assumed?

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    Ghislain, Jul 23, 2003
  6. Suleman Yasin

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    I don't know for sure, but I assume the assumption would be based upon what
    the report data is coming from. If it's a title swap or vehicle
    registration in Quebec, I would assume they'd think to use kilometers... if
    it's in Texas, I would think they'd assume miles.

    That's just a guess though.
    Jafir Elkurd, Jul 23, 2003
  7. Suleman Yasin

    Guest Guest

    The assumption is that the number on the instrument is the number reported,
    but we all know what it means to assume...
    Guest, Jul 23, 2003
  8. Suleman Yasin

    Vlad Guest

    Is the speedometer in miles or kilometers ?
    Vlad, Jul 23, 2003
  9. Suleman Yasin

    Acura God Guest

    Maybe the "2" was entered by mistake. Maybe it was 164,114 and sat on the
    lot for a month only accrueing 3 miles/KM on test drives etc. Sounds like a
    reasonable mistake to me. Dealers are not as dishonest as people would like
    to believe. It would be very stupid to try this type of thing in this era
    with all the electronic communication and database storage capabilities we
    have now. Too easy to cross check things like mileage.

    David Short
    Acura God
    Acura God, Jul 24, 2003
  10. Suleman Yasin

    Terry Guest

    It's difficult to understand if there is really a problem here!
    Whether it is miles or kilometres that's pretty reasonable
    average annual usage for a 12 year old car i.e. a 1992 model that
    was possibly manufactured in late 1991; now 2003. (2003 - 1991 =
    12 years).
    164,000 Mi./12 = a bit less than 14,000 mi. per year or roughly
    1100 to 1200 miles per month.
    260,000 Km./12 = approximately 22,000 km.per year or roughly 1800
    kilometres per month.
    1800 kilometres = about 1200 miles per month.
    Sounds like a data base designed around 'mileage' might have just
    got kilometres mixed up?
    And anyway if the vehicle is otherwise OK and works well (it IS
    12 years old!) is anyone going to quibble about a small
    percentage difference of a few miles or kilometres driven?
    On other hand; If 'car is on its last legs' then it should not
    have been bought! At least not for that price even if it is an
    My opinion. Terry.
    PS. If I CONVERT 164,114 miles to kilometres using 0.6214 I get
    264,104. Suleman (wisely!) noted that it was listed as a dealer
    vehicle with 264,117 kilometres. That's a difference of only 13
    kilometres; for moving the vehicle, incidental trial runs by
    potential buyers etc. Seems reasonable?
    It does not appear to be the kind of situation where one of the
    dealers staff drove to the vehicle to Vancouver and back to
    attend a wedding!
    Terry, Jul 24, 2003
  11. Suleman Yasin

    JXStern Guest

    *cough*, *cough*
    Honesty issue aside, dealers may not be as stupid as people would like
    to believe, so you may well still be right.

    JXStern, Jul 24, 2003
  12. Uhhh... I have been reading this thread and I am bit confused as to
    what the car's odometer actually reads. Is the odometer showing 169K
    or 260K? You say it came from the States and had 164K miles. Now it
    has 169K *Kilometers*?

    Could it be something as simple as the dealer/garage/seller/whoever
    imported the car simply changed the face of the speedometer to read
    KM's as primary instead of MPH?

    Or is the *number* on the odometer actually reading 260K now?

    The thread seems a bit vague as to what the car was/is reading...?

    Just my $0.02.

    Kevin Sargent, Jul 25, 2003
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