Car fax and Question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by twfsa, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    2001 CR-V SE 34K non smoker,one owner. No kids interior perfect.

    Wife ran into a 6ft high Iron fence,(one inch square vertical tubing
    supported by 2 inch round post,sheered one post off at the ground), the kind
    you see in fancy neighborhoods, $10K worth of parts, (engine removed to
    replace and re-paint frame rails), frame lazer measured and pulled to
    factory specs',excellent repair job paint matches perfect.

    If this car were for sale and of interest to you would you buy it with a
    report from Car Fax indicating the $10K repair? I understand that the
    insurance company most likely reports this to Car fax. Don't know if all do.

    If you were to inspect the car, you could not tell there has been any paint
    work, no over spray under the door handles or on any trim or moldings.Drives
    as nice as when it was new.

    If I were to sell it I would want NADA book retail. What do you think?


    twfsa, Nov 12, 2005
  2. twfsa

    chip Guest

    tell your insurance company not to report it to carfax, I've done
    this. There is no law saying they have to report it.
    I bet if i saw the car i could tell it was wrecked. There is no
    body shop that is perfect, also the vin numbers will be missing from
    the hood and fenders.
    chip, Nov 14, 2005
  3. twfsa

    RM Guest

    Odds are it wont show up on Car Fax. Car Fax is a private company and there
    is no requirement to report to them. I have not had a single repair or
    problem on any of my vehicles ever show up on their report.
    RM, Nov 15, 2005
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