Car safety stats (risk of death vs risk of killing other drivers)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by fft1976, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. That is a great law. In Illinois, liability coverage is the same no
    matter what vehicle you drive. Hummer is the same as a Civic.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 7, 2009
  2. fft1976

    Joe Guest

    I'll disagree with this. While I am no huge fan of Chevy these days,
    the Volt has a very good chance of being successful.

    40 Miles per charge on pure electric, and a small motor to charge the
    battery and extend the range to ~ 300 miles. The 40 miles is more
    than enough for most people. Of course, we'll have to see how it
    actually performs once released, but it's a nice looking car, and the
    pricetag will be affordable.

    Tesla is working on releasing the model S, a 4-door that does a 45
    minute charge for a 300 mile trip. The price is 50 Grand after the
    Federal tax credit, and the car is good looking, fast and efficient.
    So what? Water is fine. And nuclear waste is much smaller than it
    used to be (ie: efficiency is growing). The disposal of said waste
    CAN be done in a clean, efficient manner. It is cleaner than the
    exhaust that is thrown up by coal plants...
    Joe, Apr 7, 2009
  3. fft1976

    Joe Guest

    In my experience, the collision insurance for small cars is higher,
    but the liability is higher for the beasts.

    I went from a used Chrysler minivan to a Civic Si. The liability is
    about 30% lower on the brand new car than it was on the minivan. With
    full coverage, my Si only costs a couple hundred a year more to insure
    than the minivan did with liability alone.
    Joe, Apr 7, 2009
  4. fft1976

    Joe Guest

    Most SUV's are incapable of off-road travel these days. The
    suspension cannot handle it. Many dealers require you to sign a
    waiver saying that you will not take the SUV off-road, and if you do,
    damage will not be covered by warranty.
    Most Jeep Wranglers are 4's and 6's, and are quite capable towers.
    I always found the Land Rover to be ugly as hell and overpriced. If I
    wanted something for off-road, I'd probably pick up a used Jeep... I
    only say used because who knows if the new company will maintain
    quality (which has already deteriorated some)...
    Joe, Apr 7, 2009
  5. fft1976

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Oil is NOT a "finite resource";we continue to discover new fields.
    And I agree that we need to reduce oil consumption,and we achieve that by
    going to smaller,lighter vehicles with better mileage.
    Reserve lt.trucks and SUVs for where they are truly necessary.
    EXCEPT that most people are not going to be replacing their current gas
    vehicles for an electric car. Nor will there be electric light trucks or
    SUVs. Hybrid SUV's do not take the place of the workhorse SUVs.
    You won't be towing anything with one of them.
    except that recharging infrastructure is not in place yet.
    If Japan and France can do nuclear power cleanly and safely,so can the US.

    And one hailstorm or heavy storm destroys your solar panels.
    Jim Yanik, Apr 7, 2009
  6. fft1976

    Clive Guest

    I'll say it has, it's the most unreliable car on British roads according
    to Motoring Which?
    Clive, Apr 7, 2009
  7. fft1976

    Clive Guest

    Like Three Mile Island?
    Clive, Apr 8, 2009

  8. You bet!

    And, the French model is probably the best volume/record wise and a
    Westinghouse design at that.

    If we could muster the courage to build 100 plants evenly distributed in
    the US, a major dent in foreign oil imports could be affected. It won't
    be long before plug in electric cars for urban areas will become viable.

    But I'm sure all we'll hear is more song 'n dance smoke 'n mirrors from
    Washington. When you get to be my age, the same ol' tune just starts to
    git a little more boring...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 8, 2009
  9. fft1976

    Joe Guest

    That wasn't me, but I'll disagree. New discoveries or not, Oil is not
    being produced. Or, if it is, not nearly at the rate we are using it.
    Most people CAN. Most people do not use SUV's for towing anyhow. And
    you don't need to have one thing that works for everyone. You can
    still have trucks run on gas, or whatever, while you also have daily
    commuters running full electric, hybrid, or whatever.
    110V Outlets are everywhere. Believe it or not, I even have a few in
    my house. Heck, I even have a couple 220V's.
    Joe, Apr 8, 2009
  10. fft1976

    Joe Guest

    It's not even so much from Washington, though. It's the population.
    Everyone wants cleaner better power sources, but noone wants them
    built near them. Not in My Back Yard...

    At some point, we have to make tough decisions and do things that
    aren't as palatable as we'd like. Nuclear power is safer and cleaner
    than most other forms right now, but there's always that fear of a
    meltdown in the general population.
    Joe, Apr 8, 2009
  11. fft1976

    Joe Guest

    Not surprising. The old Jeeps, from before Chrysler took over, were
    great vehicles.

    Chrysler amazes me. They are all about style over substance. IMO,
    Chrysler makes some of the best looking cars on the road. It's a
    shame that they are unreliable pieces of shit...
    Joe, Apr 8, 2009
  12. fft1976

    Jim Yanik Guest

    IMO,Obama doesn't want the US to have plentiful,cheap energy;
    he blocks nuclear by hindering safe storage of waste at Yucca Mtn
    repository,he wants carbon taxes,killing coal-fired electricity(50% of US
    electric),and solar and wind will not make up the difference.
    The Dems block production of domestic oil fields,block refinery expansion
    and new refineries;raising the cost of vehicle fuels.
    Thus driving out the automobile.

    Looking at the BIG picture,I see that Obama is trying to weaken and destroy
    America.He's crippling us in energy,seriously weakening our
    military,ruining our economy,going soft on terrorism,looking weak to our
    enemies.All his policies work towards MORE unemployment.

    It all fits in with what he said and wrote before he was elected to
    President,and with his background as a foreign-raised child.
    Obama is really an America-hater,just like Rev.Wright.
    Jim Yanik, Apr 8, 2009
  13. fft1976

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Then educate the public.

    Nuclear power would also mean more good paying jobs.
    Jim Yanik, Apr 8, 2009
  14. fft1976

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Only because the Dems block domestic production and refinery expansion.
    Look how the price of oil shot up so high and then drastically dropped.
    (IMO,-somebody- was manipulating the market,for political reasons.)
    Most people don't buy one vehicle for city use and another for interstate
    driving. Their one car has to do both.
    and many people cannot afford to buy a new car,hybrid or whatever.
    yeah,like some OTHER property owner is going to foot the bills for charging
    lots of other peoples vehicles.We don't even have the extra electric
    capacity to power millions of new electric vehicles.
    Jim Yanik, Apr 8, 2009
  15. fft1976

    jim beam Guest

    dude, "storage" is the dumbest fucking idiot disaster yet proposed for
    this planet. it is dangerous, ill-conceived, and incredibly ignorant of

    very briefly,, "storage" means we have fuel rods, [among other things]
    in a highly reactive and physically unstable condition, in a fucking
    water tank. i'm not an expert on this stuff, but i do know that
    irradiated metals get extremely brittle and because of atomic
    displacements, suffer a physical decomposition condition similar to
    extreme hydrogen cracking. so, left long enough, your rod falls apart,
    and all your fissile material pellets drop to the bottom of the tank.
    now, do you know what happens when you get this happen on a large scale
    and you let enough kilos of pellets accumulate close together? ask the
    russians, they know. they lost a mountain in siberia "experimenting"
    with this. it's called "critical mass" and something does "BOOM".

    what we should do, and what the japanese, russians and french do, is
    reprocess. that means you take all that shit apart, you melt and
    separate all the individual elements, you re-use the stuff you want, and
    the shit you don't want, you oxidize and melt into glass [like hockey
    pucks] with dilution sufficient that no matter what you do, you cannot
    "accidentally" or neglectfully achieve critical. so even if society
    melts down and 10,000 years from now, some idiot starts pulling those
    things out of a repository somewhere, all they'll manage to achieve is a
    lump on someone elses helmet, not vaporization of yucca mountain and
    half of las vegas. or anywhere else for that matter.

    usa + "storage" = utter fucking retardation

    dude, read what i just wrote and focus on the facts - this bullshit is
    way beyond ignorance and xenophobia. focus your, er, "energy" on
    getting your idiot representatives to do the right thing - reprocess.
    write them today.
    jim beam, Apr 8, 2009
  16. fft1976

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I'm all for reprocessing,but RIGHT NOW,we need secure storage.

    and it's NOT "ignorance and xenophobia".Oblama has written and spoken on
    what he would do and why.

    But go ahead and keep your blinders on.
    Jim Yanik, Apr 8, 2009
  17. I am judiciously skeptical of the Volt, but I suspect there will be a
    number of vehicles with similar performance in 2 - 4 years. But these
    vehicles are hybrids. Not that there is anything wrong with hybrids -
    I would certainly consider one if I was in the market. However, a
    pure electric vehicle is a lot shakier proposition from a marketplace

    I would not be in a hurry to buy either a volt-like hybrid or a pure
    electric because I am concerned that the batteries will be stressed
    much more severely than current hybrids.
    The price is $50K for the 160 mile model and it isn't clear whether 45
    minute charging will be on that model. The range would be OK if it
    didn't cost $50. That price insures that this will fill only a tiny
    niche. The market isn't that big for $50K cars and most buyers will
    not want to make the compromises. And if you think the long term
    plans at GM are suspect, you have to think that long term Tesla
    anything is like a lottery ticket.
    The previous poster cited the need to wash solar panels with "WATER"
    as a serious flaw. I am actually pretty ambivalent regarding nuclear
    energy. I don't think it is as bad as the vocal opponents but I also
    don't think that it is as benign as its vocal supporters claim.
    Hopefully, they will never kill as many people as coal fired plants
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 9, 2009
  18. Remember this?
    One Chernobyl destroys your city.

    That is the problem with the hazards of nuclear energy; they are very
    granular. The plant at Chernobyl ran for nineteen years without
    harming anyone. Then one day it destroyed a city.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 9, 2009
  19. This is the truest statement in the tread. Nuclear power may be the
    best choice in the long run. In the mean time, higher energy taxes
    are needed to encourage conservation.
    The possibility of a major nuclear accident is real. It is extremely
    unlikely on any given day, but if you build enough of them and run
    them long enough, it will happen and it will be truly awful.
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 9, 2009
  20. This varies state-to-state. I live in Illinois. I once got a cold
    call from a car insurance agent. I told him I might consider a policy
    from him if his company charged significantly less for liability on my
    Integra than what they would charge me for a Suburban. He assured me
    that the Integra would be much cheaper. I told him to run the numbers
    and call me back. To his credit, he called me back and said he
    couldn't believe it, but I was right. The charge for liability
    coverage was exactly the same no matter which vehicle I had.
    What state do you live in?
    Gordon McGrew, Apr 9, 2009
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