Car Stalls...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Droneal, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. Droneal

    Droneal Guest

    I have a 98 Civic Ex.

    A while back the engine light would go on and off. Stupid, I had the code
    read but never did anythig about it.

    A short time later I noticed that the tachometer start to fluctuate (move
    back and forth) between rpms but the engine doesn't rev and the cars
    performance doesn't change. This usually happens when I am accelerating,
    between 3rd and 4th gears. But like I said, the engine wouldn't rev and the
    car would jump or move.

    During this last week, whenever I am at a stop and the car is idling or if I
    am driving slow, as was the case this morning, the car may stall out. This
    morning took me several tries to get it restarted.
    I am reluctant to have some one look at it because I recently moved and don't
    have a mechanic yet.

    I am not exactly sure what the deal is but I am certain all this events are
    related. Has anyone had a similar experience?

    Droneal, Apr 10, 2006
  2. Droneal

    Alan Guest


    Has the car had a tuneup recently? It could be a distributor related
    item, such as the coil, etc.
    Alan, Apr 10, 2006
  3. Droneal

    Droneal Guest

    It hasn't had a "tune-up" but it did have a new distributor, spark plugs,
    wires put in in November.

    I was wondering if it was possibly related to that. Perhaps even an oversight
    on the part of the mechanic.
    Droneal, Apr 10, 2006
  4. ----------------------------------

    Hmmmm. What's the mileage and what kind of tranny? When have you
    serviced the tranny and engine lately? What was the CODE they wrote on
    your work order (not the interpretation)? It may not be related, but has
    the ignition switch recall been performed?

    get back to us with more info . . . .

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 10, 2006
  5. Droneal

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Good chance it's the igniter. The tach runs off the igniter output signal.

    Yes, you said you have a "new" distributor, but that most likely simply
    means a remanufactured aftermarket one.
    TeGGeR®, Apr 10, 2006
  6. Droneal

    Droneal Guest

    The mileage is at 123,000 and I have a standard 5-speed transmission.
    It hasn't been looked at in a while.

    I couldn't tell you what the code was when the 'Check Engine' light came on.
    I want to say it was related to emissions.

    I wasn't aware there was an ignition switch recall. However, the ignition was
    replaced though back in October after someone tried to steal my car and wound
    up tearing out half the steering column and damaging a lot of other things.

    As I stated the distributor was replaced in nov. As someone else commented,
    it was more than likely an aftermarket rebuild or something. True, it
    probably was. I don't know.

    Thanks for your help.
    Droneal, Apr 10, 2006
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