Car stays in third gear only.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ajw, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. Ajw

    Ajw Guest

    So just recently I went ahead and changed the oil in my car. Started
    it up, everything was running fine. Car sounded good, ran fine, and
    when I parked it in the driveway, it seemed perfect. Later that day I
    went to start the car and it started making all of these clicking
    noises, one by the underside of the shifter and another on the left
    side of the dash. I assume these to be connected with the not being
    able to take your key out unless its in park. I have also been having
    problems with the little park light not coming on when I put the car
    in park.
    It really only does this when its cold.
    Any advice on what needs to be fixed?
    Ajw, Dec 28, 2006
  2. Ajw

    motsco_ Guest


    Best if you tell us the make, model, year and mileage of the 'car' and
    then we can tell you how to fix it.

    If you want to look for yourself, you'll find some TSB's that apply to
    your mystery vehicle here:

    You also need to clean and tighten your battery terminals, and possibly
    the battery ground connection.

    motsco_, Dec 29, 2006
  3. Ajw

    shongo Guest

    I don’t think this is the perfect fix but it’s worth a try. I have had
    a similar problem with ours, the buzzer was going off & the car only
    wanted to run in od. I disconnected the battery for a couple of hours
    to let the computer reset itself. I reconnected it & all was fine.
    shongo, Jan 7, 2007
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