Car stops running while I’m driving.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by drewer, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. drewer

    drewer Guest

    This is the third time that this has happened to me. I was driving and
    the engine stopped running. It will try to turn over but it wont
    start. the first time I sat for 20 min. the second time was for a hour
    and the last yesterday for 4 hours. then when I turn the key, it
    starts up. what can I do? I bought the car off of a lot in november.
    and the service engine alert is on. I think it was on when I bought
    it. it also has 132,000 miles on it. thanks.
    drewer, Mar 5, 2007
  2. drewer

    Randolph Guest

    It would help to know what year and model this is...

    Next time the problem resurfaces, listen carefully as you turn the key
    from Off to Acc to Run. As you get to Run (not start) you should hear a
    relay clicking (turning on the fuel pump) and then around 3 seconds
    later you should hear it clicking again (turning off the fuel pump). If
    you do not hear this, it could be a broken main relay (fuel pump relay)

    Keep in mind that depending on your year and model, this information
    might be completely irrelevant.
    Randolph, Mar 5, 2007
  3. drewer

    Elle Guest

    If this is a Honda, my first bet would be on the ignition

    Year and model, please?

    Also, status of routine maintenance, like spark plug wires,
    plugs, etc.?

    See also
    for typical other causes of Honda run-start problems.
    Elle, Mar 5, 2007
  4. drewer

    Tegger Guest

    Ignition switch or igniter. Most likely igniter at this point.

    If you have a tachometer, does the tach needle drop suddenly before the car
    stalls? When you crank during the no-start episode, is the tach needle
    dead still, or does it jiggle a tiny bit?

    Do you mean the "Maintenance Required light, or the Check Engine light?

    If the Check Engine light, you need to get the code read that's behind the
    light. For that we need to know your year and model.

    And you bought the car anyway? Not a good idea.
    Tegger, Mar 5, 2007
  5. drewer

    Seth Guest

    When you bought the car, did it come with a year, make and model?

    Like I said to the last poster who also indicates that his/her service
    indicator is on, why make guesses as to what it is when the car might be
    trying to tell you.

    Your symtoms could be a common thing, or not, but the code will tell.
    Seth, Mar 5, 2007
  6. drewer

    G-Man Guest

    Why would to buy a car with the Service or check engine light on without
    finding out way? This amazes me.

    If it is a "Check Engine" light, take it to AutoZone or a place like that
    and if the car is newer than a 1996, they can hook up the OBD II code
    scanner and tell you why.

    G-Man, Mar 5, 2007
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