car won't start

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by scoutdad, Nov 6, 2004.

  1. scoutdad

    scoutdad Guest

    My son has a '93 Accord. It has a starting problem that seems to only
    occur in the morning. Each morning when he goes to start the car, he puts
    the key in and nothing happens. The motor doesn't turn over, the dash
    lights and radio don't come on, but the interior lights come on and the
    headlights will work. When we come back to it around 3 hours later it
    starts right up like nothing was ever wrong with it. I though it my be
    the battery, so I replaced it, still have the same problem.
    scoutdad, Nov 6, 2004
  2. scoutdad

    remcow Guest


    Check the fuse (I think) labled "IGN" -- One side goes to the main fuse,
    which couldn't be the problem because your lights still work. The other side
    goes to your ignition switch (where you insert your switch). While the fuse
    is not blown (you mentions that it will start eventually), it could be that
    the fuse holder contacts are corroded or bent too much and don't make
    If you see 12V passed that fuse and it still doesn' start, I'd check the
    wiring to the common connection of the ignition switch or the ignition
    switch itself.

    Hope this steered you in the right direction and you find the problem soon.
    remcow, Nov 7, 2004
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