carfax is unreliable

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kilroybass, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. kilroybass

    kilroybass Guest

    I was in an accident last year. It wasn't deadly, but it did
    cause paint damage to the passenger side. A cop even filed a complete

    Yesterday, I inputted my VIN in carfax and carfax came back with a full
    report saying my car had never been in an accident.

    My point is, how can I find carfax reliable if it didn't even
    report that my car was in an accident?

    Since I'm using carfax to check on another vehicle that I want to
    purchase, how do I know that the information regarding the other
    vehicle is accurate?
    kilroybass, Sep 19, 2005
  2. kilroybass

    RM Guest

    Carfax is complete horseshit. My truck was wrecked by my ex 5 times, all
    insurance repairs at dealerships. Gee, clean carfax. Her car flooded and
    totaled, 3 years ago, clean carfax.
    RM, Sep 19, 2005
  3. kilroybass

    jim beam Guest

    afaik, carfax only shows up write-offs, as shown by insurance companies,
    or dealer service records, or changes of ownership. yours clearly
    weren't any of those.

    besides, how much detail do you want? otherwise carfax would be showing
    up garbage like "replaced lost hubcap" or even "filled with gas at
    rhonerts park casa de gasa, 57,327 miles". can't say /i/ care to have
    records on how much bubblegum i buy at gas stations showing up on my car
    jim beam, Sep 20, 2005
  4. kilroybass

    Guest Guest

    From my experience CarFax only works if something is reported to them,
    If an accident is not reported, it won't just "show up" on a report
    Guest, Sep 20, 2005
  5. kilroybass

    RM Guest

    afaik, carfax only shows up write-offs, as shown by insurance companies,
    You would want to buy a vehicle that has had several repairs each over $5000
    to the front end? 3 of which required trips to the frame straightener. Thats
    info that should be in there. What about the flood damaged/totaled car?

    From Carfax Page:



    Rolled Over?
    Rolled Back?


    Major Accident?
    Salvage Auction?
    Fire Damage?

    Major Accidents, flooded, rebuilt are all listed. So in answer to your
    question I would expect all those to be listed. No minor fender benders,
    hubcaps stolen or crap like that.
    RM, Sep 20, 2005
  6. kilroybass

    jim beam Guest

    like i said before, as far as carfax are concerned, if it's not written
    off by the insurance company, as is the case with a $5k fix on a $20k
    car, it doesn't get reported. you have a point about /wanting/ to see
    damage data, but again, if the work was not reported by the dealer or
    the insurer, how are car fax going to know? the only 3 possible data
    sources are dealers, with their huge centraly computerized systems,
    insurers, with their huge centraly computerized systems, and dmv.
    monster joe's garage just isn't in the loop and isn't reporting a thing.

    you're right, it would be /nice/ to know more, but where's the info
    coming from?
    jim beam, Sep 20, 2005
  7. kilroybass

    chip Guest

    When my wifes car got hit, I asked the insurance company if it
    would be reported to carfax. They said not if you don't want us to...
    Sold! Don't say a word. Carfax is basically what it seems, a public
    records search, but nobody is obligated to keep that stuff current.
    Don't ever trust it as a buying point over having the car checked
    over by a reputable tech.
    chip, Sep 20, 2005
  8. kilroybass

    jim beam Guest

    i was going to make that point earlier! so true - records have little
    value in the face of a good physical inspection by a tech that knows
    their business.
    jim beam, Sep 20, 2005
  9. kilroybass

    kilroybass Guest

    good lawd. I just spent more than $20 subscription (1 month) to
    carfax to check on used vehicles, just so I can check if it had been in
    previous accidents or not.

    I feel so scammed.
    kilroybass, Sep 20, 2005
  10. kilroybass

    SoCalMike Guest

    after the first time, she wouldnt be touching my ride.
    SoCalMike, Sep 20, 2005
  11. kilroybass

    SoCalMike Guest

    dont... its better than nothing. its not perfect, but nothing is.
    SoCalMike, Sep 20, 2005
  12. Use a Bondo magnet report instead
    Norm De Plume, Sep 20, 2005
  13. kilroybass

    Abeness Guest

    Words to live by.
    Abeness, Sep 20, 2005
  14. kilroybass

    RM Guest

    And I wouldnt be touching her "ride"! :) Although mysteriously my
    insurance went from 350 a month to about 80 a month after divorcing her
    useless ass.
    RM, Sep 21, 2005
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