catalytic converter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by newman, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. newman

    newman Guest

    What is the life expectancy of a catalytic converter?

    My 99 Accord has 110K and check engine has code P0420 indicating converter
    failure-at least that's what Honda dealer said.

    99 accord 4 cyl
    110000 miles
    newman, Jun 26, 2007
  2. newman

    Woody Guest

    Before having the converter changed you should read this article
    Also you should look at the EGR. Find a good local mechanic and have him
    check it out. Dealers will just throw a $1000 converter in without checking
    to make sure it is the converter. Also if you have been running with a
    problem causing a rich mixture it will destroy the converter over time so
    everything needs checked out or you could destroy the new converter.
    Woody, Jun 26, 2007
  3. newman

    z Guest

    Happened to me. Failed emissions. Reasonably competent mechanic
    assured me it was the converter, no doubt. Told me afterwards the old
    one was totally shot. Got the exact same failing score on emissions.
    But the $$$ for replacing it got me an emissions waiver.
    z, Jun 26, 2007
  4. newman

    newman Guest

    I should mention that Honda dealer replaced timing belt (& water pump,
    seals,etc.) recently.

    Could the timing belt replacement have anything to do with check engine
    light with code P0420? The light came on about 1 week after timing belt

    I checked for loose vacuum hoses, but didn't see anything.
    Happened to me. Failed emissions. Reasonably competent mechanic
    assured me it was the converter, no doubt. Told me afterwards the old
    one was totally shot. Got the exact same failing score on emissions.
    But the $$$ for replacing it got me an emissions waiver.
    newman, Jun 26, 2007
  5. newman

    motsco_ Guest


    If the car is acting a bit gutless until it warms up, or hesitates when
    it never used to, the answer could be YES. Did they leave your rad full,
    and the coolant reservoir filled to the =MAX= mark, like it says in the
    (owner's) manual, or is there just a few drops in the bottom ?

    motsco_, Jun 27, 2007
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