Cd Changer in trunk...I hate it!!!!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jetstar88, Aug 1, 2003.

  1. jetstar88

    jetstar88 Guest

    I just hate it. And I should have said no and waited to check
    aftermarket alternatives when the dealer from whom I was buying the 2
    year-old Honda said it was a choice of a single CD or a 12 CD changer
    in the trunk.

    I agreed to it and its part of my contract and I HATE IT !!!!!!!!

    I don't like:

    1) The fact that the CD unit has to be on and then you have to go into
    the trunk to change a CD.

    2) Its not up against the side of the trunk but is about 6 inches from
    the inside of the fender. The trunk's carpet doesn't even lay flat
    next to it or cover it.

    3) Not only do you have to tune the FM radio to the CD "station" to
    play one, but you have to turn the CD thing off when you switch back
    to radio (am or fm) or else there IS no radio to be heard!!!!

    Sure... with 12 CDs in there you wouldn't need to take them in and out
    as often, but what if you are not the only person playing CD's? Or
    what if someone...for instance your teenage child just wants you to
    play her CD for the short trip and then take it back from you when she
    arrives at the destination?

    What if its raining or snowing or 110 degrees? Or -20 degrees????
    "Daddy, can you play this CD for me now???" "NO!!! Its raining out and
    I'm not getting off the expressway and stopping the car so I can
    change CD's!"

    I can't believe there is no other way. Nothing between a single disk
    opening and a 12 disk magazine in the trunk.

    I plan to call an aftermarket car-audio store that I've done business
    with over the years and ask them what they can do. If they CAN put in
    a 3 or 4 disk changer in the dash where it belongs, I'm going to
    insiste that Honda yank the trunk changer out.

    However....maybe there are SOME advantages to the trunk changer that
    you kind folks would like to point out to me? Cause I don't see em.

    Thanks in advance for any advice and right now for listening to my
    extended vent!!! Do you think I CAN get the dealer to refund my money
    for the changer???

    I LIKE the car. I Absolutely HATE the changer!
    jetstar88, Aug 1, 2003
  2. I'm loving my in dash mp3 player. I can carry hundreds of songs on one
    disc. It made my Case Logic CD carrier seem like MAJOR overkill.
    Franz Bestuchev, Aug 1, 2003
  3. jetstar88

    Richard Guest

    LOL, Franz are you trying to make him feel even worse about having the 12
    CD's magazine unit?
    Ehehehe JK

    Jetstar88, I think you get a refund if you decide to bring it back to the
    dealer like you said QUOTE: "I agreed to it and its part of my contract".

    What car do you have? (Model/year, etc)
    A lot of cars you can carry/mount the 12CD unit inside the cabin, like
    under a seat or dashboard... it depends of the specs of your car.

    You can also consider acquiring a MP3 compatible unit, which allows you to
    use roughly ~300 songs~ in one CD.

    Check for more info.
    Hope this helps.

    Richard, Aug 1, 2003
  4. jetstar88

    Richard Guest

    CORRECTION to my post

    **Jetstar88, I think you won't get a refund...**
    Richard, Aug 1, 2003
  5. You obviously don't have an OEM changer. The radio shouldn't have to be on
    to change a CD. And you would only push the CD button on the radio...not
    tune to an FM 'station'.
    Anderson, Drake, Aug 1, 2003
  6. jetstar88

    jetstar88 Guest


    I don't know if there's room in the car, but I doubt it. Its a 4-dr
    Civic Lx, that has a Cassette and radio in it now and I'm still
    fuming...even after a nights sleep.

    While wrapping up the deal, my wife and I remembered that her existing
    car had a multi-disk 4 cd-changer (in the dash!!!) and so we started
    discussing. They didn't bring out a brochure. We just talked about
    alternatives which were:

    1) A single CD/radio/cassette (no changer).

    2) ***A 6 cd changer in dash, but she would "lose the cassette" as
    they described it. (My wife says she never heard this...was in the
    restroom or something...and the way I heard it, it sounded as if they
    were going to actually remove the cassette portion of the new radio/cd
    to make room for it.)

    Maybe that was silly of me to think that, and maybe I still wanted to
    be able to toss a cassette in once in awhile (though this is primarily
    going to be the wife's car and I won't drive it during the week much)
    but it didn't sound like a standard install, so I kind of dismissed

    3) The 12 disk changer in the trunk. I wasn't crazy about it from the
    start, but it seemed a better alternative to the single CD.

    What I did NOT realize ....and they didn't tell me was that they would
    be drilling holes in the trunk of our new (2 year-old, but new to us)
    car. Or that the CD Changer would not be up flush against the fender,
    but about 6-12 inches from it and cause the carpet in the trunk to not
    lay flat. I have to worry about bumping the thing everytime
    we toss a suitcase or a flat tire or a long box in there??? That is
    Sooooo high-school-ish!

    Last night, I went to a Honda Parts/Accessories site and saw the 6 CD
    changer for the first time and realized where I/we went wrong. It just
    doesn't have a cassette is all. Doesn't come with it. But is a
    standard radio/CD combo and its shown in a Honda Civic dash so it
    should work. I don't know if it will play MP3's. Don't care THAT much
    at this point, though I wish I could go that route. But I'm going to
    call Honda today and tell them I want the 6 CD changer installed in
    place of the contraption in the trunk and the chincy silver controller
    box in the car.

    I won't really need a refund, since the 6-cd changer is actually
    listed as $66 more than the current unit. And....after putting 2 holes
    in my trunk that will now be there forever promoting rust-through when
    the car ages, they should pay ME or at least eat the difference. At
    any rate, they wouldn't be changing the price of the sale
    fundamentally. It would/will be more of an exchange. If only I could
    exchange the trunk with the screwholes for one without them!!!!

    Fact is... part of the reason for my rage is that I like the car, and
    I even like the salespeople. For used car salemen, they were pretty
    cool. And, of course, I'm mad at myself for going along with something
    (the changer in the trunk) that I didn't like, but THOUGHT I would get
    used to.

    That was before I saw WHERE and HOW it was installed and realized it
    needed an additional ----- nevermind. It is partly my own fault, so I
    am angry with me too. I just hate the thing!!!! To me the idea of
    having to stop the car to change a CD ...ever... is nutz! (And having
    to turn off the CD controller to go back to the radio. I am constantly
    hopping stations and CD's. That's too much complication when switching
    fromj radio to CD and back again.

    Thanks again for 'listening' and any more advice.
    jetstar88, Aug 1, 2003
  7. You fucked up. You (a) didn't think about the concept, and (b) didn't
    ask questions.

    Worst case, you learned a lesson and it cost you a few hundred dollars.

    *I* knew when trunk-mounted CD changers came out years ago how stupid
    the entire idea was. It doesn't take a genius to think about it for a
    minute and come up with all the things that are wrong with that concept.
    But, when they came out, they were the only alternative--and the auto
    manufacturers and car audio people spend millions convincing the public
    how GREAT they were. Yeah, right. People are stupid.

    Next time, before you jump into something, think about it. When you
    jump in, or fail to think it all the way through, don't go ranting and
    raving about things; accept your own failure, learn your lesson, and
    move on.

    This isn't a case of someone ripping you off. This is a case of you not
    thinking things all the way through, not asking questions, and not
    understanding your options. No one twisted your arm or misrepresented
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Aug 1, 2003
  8. jetstar88

    dold Guest

    As you noted, the in-dash 6CD is a factory job, what you got was an
    aftermarket with an adapter. That's a substantial difference, and should
    have been made obvious in the sale. At least my trunk-changer was bolted
    up against the rear shelf, not on the floor, but then my rear seats didn't
    fold down. That might not be good placement in a Honda.

    The VW multi-CD has a changer in the trunk, but there's still a single CD
    in the dash. You could get what you want, except that your changer isn't
    pre-installed in a covered compartment like the VW.

    The in-dash multi-cd is the best way to go, and forget about the cassette
    altogether. I took my three year old car in for service on the radio
    because the volume control stopped working. The technician also replaced
    the cassette drive belt, which he said was missing =;-)
    I don't know when I last played a cassette. I think I must have, at least
    once... maybe not.
    dold, Aug 1, 2003
  9. jetstar88

    jetstar88 Guest

    (Please note: I can see other posts in Outlook Express's Newsgroup
    Reader, but can't reply there for some reason, so this one will be at
    a weird place in the thread. I'm, replying in sequence to Elmo's and
    Dold's replies and to everyone else's, but this will show below my own

    Well... I still wish that I had gone for (or been given more of an
    opportunity to go for) the 6 CD changer, but is my own fault
    mostly. And hit the nail right on the head that the unit is
    NOT a factory OEM unit.

    If I had known that, I could have gone to the aftermarket place.
    Having said that, the changer in the trunk and the controller in the
    car ARE both JVC, which I have no problem with. In fact...yes...I'll
    admit it...the current setup is growing on me in terms of normal

    Also, the poster (Elmo) who was kind of brutal is right. I am mad at
    myself for not asking more questions. And I'm still wrestling with the
    fact that there are tiny holes in my trunk that didn't need to be.

    But leaving most of the emotion out and just focusing on the decision
    as to whether to stay put or try to "raise a ruckus" and swap the 12
    CD trunk unit for the 6 CD dash one, here is how I see it:

    Pros (for keeping it as is):

    1) 12 CD's should theoretically involve much less frequent changing of

    2) Its in there now and its working ok...sounds great.. so why mess
    with it.

    3) The 6 CD changer would eliminate the cassette (and I still have
    some I like to play) and it would eliminate a storage pocket in the

    4) The salesmen will be pissed off over something they will see as

    Cons (for keeping it as is):

    1) Its less spontaneous. Sure...I can make copies of the CD's and put
    the copies in the CD Trunk Changer, which will cut down considerably
    on the need or urge to change disks, but when that feeling to change
    one does, its a nuisance. Especially if the trunk is full of snow.
    Should I be paranoid about any falling on the changer? (I suppose I
    could get a plastic cover for it...or would that suffocate it?)

    2) Did I say it created holes in my trunk? (yes...I'm kidding...I know
    I did...and am laughing at you laughing at me, but it still bugs me).

    3) Its occupying a portion of the trunk. Upon closer inspection, I'll
    admit there was not a better place to locate it (the floor is not flat
    if you move closer to the fender), but it still seems intrusive into
    the trunk and its capacity.

    4) The controller does not operate in the accessory position and it
    does not turn back on when the car is restarted. The radio's tuner
    won't work unless the CD controller is off. Minor nuisances, but its a
    step backwards from the trade-in.

    OKay... I'm calm now. And I am leaning now toward leaving it be and
    chalking up to experience. But still interested in your input
    regardless of whether you think I am nutz for not liking the trunk
    changer setup or agree that its a weird compromise just to have more
    than one CD at a time accessible.

    Thanks for your feedback everyone.
    jetstar88, Aug 1, 2003
  10. jetstar88

    MrMJPEG Guest

    My 2 cents: Replace it with an in-dash CD-MP3 player. 200 songs per
    disk (I can record up to 40 hours of talk radio to a CDRW) and you get
    the song title, artist & album displayed!

    Alternatively: Buy a portable CD-MP3 player and use that. If you
    have an input jack you're all set. Otherwise you can buy an FM
    transmitter (I think Radio Shack sells one for just this purpose) and
    tune it to an unused station.

    In MP3 heaven with daily MP3 recordings of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh,
    Hannity, Michael Savage & Dr. Laura! I set up an FTP server at home,
    download & burn that day's shows on a CDRW and listen to it on the way
    home. The ONLY way to go if you have a long commute!

    I'm saving up for a JVC SH-707
    MrMJPEG, Aug 1, 2003
  11. jetstar88

    SoCalMike Guest

    i thought about it, im happy with mine. i end up changin em out every couple
    months with a new set of 10 cd's ive burned with favorite songs.
    SoCalMike, Aug 1, 2003
  12. jetstar88

    dold Guest

    For those few times when you might want to play a tape, leave a walkman in
    the trunk along with an FM-link. Then you could stop your car, open the
    trunk, put the tape in, and be on your way ;-)

    < >
    dold, Aug 1, 2003
  13. jetstar88

    Seth Guest

    But they do. That's exactly the setup I have in my dash from the factory.
    Seth, Aug 2, 2003
  14. jetstar88

    Richard Guest

    Ok, didn't knew that.... we are always learning I supose.
    Richard, Aug 2, 2003
  15. jetstar88

    dold Guest

    < >

    I bought one of these for my Sony MD player.
    It works okay most of the time, but occasionally it sounds like a weak
    radio station, and it occasionally gets overrun by an FM radio station.

    I'd like to get something else for my 2003 Civic with the Honda
    AM/FM/Single-CD player. I'm almost happy with the unit as it is. I think
    I'd be satisfied with an inline FM adapter, but I can't seem to locate one
    of those.

    I don't want to replace the head unit.

    Another thought would be to take the existing Belkin adapter, and tie wrap
    it to the antenna cable, thinking that close proximity might work better.
    I've even thought of adding a "y" connector at the radio, leaving a short
    chunk of wire hanging out to catch better signal inside the car.
    dold, Oct 28, 2003
  16. jetstar88

    dold Guest

    I spent some more time searching around.
    I bought my adapter at Fry's Electronics. Now I find that the other unit
    at Fry's, the irock, has a six inch antenna. That might make a substantial
    difference. I think I'll buy one of those tomorrow to check it out.
    I also found the JVC KS-IF200 at
    This one wires in to the antenna connection, and detects audio on its RCA
    input to turn itself on, presumably switching the external antenna out, so
    that local channels have less impact on the performance. It's $39, instead
    of $29, and it will require a mini-to-RCA adapter cable. It will probably
    work a lot better, but I wouldn't be able to carry it to a rental car when
    I'm out of town.

    It also isn't in stock until 11/10, and I hate to wait ;-)
    dold, Oct 28, 2003
  17. jetstar88

    dold Guest

    I started thinking about the antenna on this transmitter, or lack thereof.
    This morning I looped my cellphone headset around the Belkin transmitter,
    and draped the wire up to the dashboard. Greatly improved performance.
    No static, no overrides from adjacent stations.

    I had been thinking about an extension of the headphone connector on the
    transmitter anyway. I think if that wire was long enough to put the
    transmitter up under the dash, the wire would add enough antenna so that it
    would work fine.
    dold, Oct 29, 2003
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