CD Changer pin config

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jonnono, Jan 16, 2005.

  1. jonnono

    jonnono Guest

    I am looking for a pin configuration for a 2002 CIVIC EX bus cable
    (rectangular connector) to a 1997 6 disk CD changer (round connector).

    Anyone know where I might find the information? I think that I saw
    a couple of them pre-made, but wanted to save a few $$$....

    Please respond to the group


    jonnono, Jan 16, 2005
  2. jonnono

    jonnono Guest


    To further clarify, I am seeking to make a connector between
    the two so that I might use the cd changer in the vehicle.

    That is if the two are even compatiable. It seems so from
    some of the information out on the net. Other ideas or

    : I am looking for a pin configuration for a 2002 CIVIC EX bus cable
    : (rectangular connector) to a 1997 6 disk CD changer (round connector).

    : Anyone know where I might find the information? I think that I saw
    : a couple of them pre-made, but wanted to save a few $$$....

    : Please respond to the group

    : Thanks,

    : Jonathan
    jonnono, Jan 16, 2005
  3. jonnono

    Masterson Guest

    Not gonna work....

    Different protocols
    Masterson, Jan 18, 2005
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