CD player-won't

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Joe J, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. Joe J

    Joe J Guest

    98 Accord with factory radio & single cd player. When loading a cd, it goes
    in, reads track 00 and kicks it back out. Tried different cds, same thing.
    Might there be some kind of reset to try, or, any other ideas. I don't want
    to spend the money to replace it, if I have to, I can live with the crappy
    radio choices.
    Joe J, Sep 8, 2010
  2. Joe J

    Clete Guest

    It is toast.
    Clete, Sep 8, 2010
  3. Joe J

    Chewbacca Guest

    Have you tried a lens cleaning disk?
    Chewbacca, Sep 8, 2010
  4. Joe J

    Joe J Guest

    Actually never heard of it before. Now searching for the cheapest version
    to give it a try.
    Joe J, Sep 8, 2010
  5. Joe J

    Clete Guest

    Don't waste yer money.
    Clete, Sep 10, 2010
  6. Joe J

    Joe J Guest

    Too late, I'll report back later if it worked.
    Joe J, Sep 10, 2010
  7. Joe J

    Dave Garrett Guest

    I'd bet it's dead. Those CD players are notorious for crapping out, and
    OEM replacements are screamingly expensive (IIRC, around $1200, assuming
    you can still find a dealer that has one in stock). Do a Google search
    and you'll find dozens of outfits that offer repairs on these units,
    which I've never tried but have heard that the results can be mixed.

    The OEM CD player in our '99 Accord died somewhere around 2004. Since I
    had Hondacare (I bought the car used from a Honda dealer in 2003), it
    was replaced under warranty at no charge.

    They usually start displaying error codes before they die - did yours
    show anything on the front panel besides track 00?

    Dave Garrett, Sep 10, 2010
  8. Joe J

    Joe J Guest

    Nope, just the track 00 and then it spits it out.
    Joe J, Sep 11, 2010
  9. Joe J

    Dave Garrett Guest

    You may want to check with these folks if you decide to try having it
    repaired, assuming that it turns out to be something beyond your ability
    to DIY:

    They seem to have satisfied customers.

    Dave Garrett, Sep 11, 2010
  10. Joe J

    Clete Guest

    Just buy yerself an aftermarket deck. 100% better than the Honda one
    that crapped out on you. Most places have free install with a
    purchase. I went thru this with my 2000 Accord about 3 years ago.
    Clete, Sep 13, 2010
  11. Joe J

    Joe J Guest

    Well the lens cleaner didn't work because I can't get it to play. Same
    crap, track 00, then spits it out. $9.00 shot.
    I probably just live w/o the cd player. 1998 w/230,000 miles, not sure how
    much longer it will run.
    Joe J, Sep 14, 2010
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