cd-rw media that works in your honda?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by James, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. James

    James Guest

    What type of cd-rw media works in your honda? i have a honda accord 2000.
    the only cd-r media brand that works is fuji. i have tried others such as
    staples brand, verbaitm, and a few others that don't work. i have tried one
    cd-rw that didn't work, i left it at home and don' remember the brand off
    hand. please write back if you know of cd-rw media that works in your
    James, Jul 13, 2005
  2. James

    dold Guest

    I think the manual says that CD-RW might not work. I've had no problem in
    a 2003 Civic, using CD-R. I think I've used TDK, Memorex, and Office
    dold, Jul 13, 2005
  3. I use CD-Rs from HP right now. They work fine. I dont see the use for CDRW
    as cheap as they are now.
    Kevin in San Diego, Jul 13, 2005
  4. do they play mp3's?

    just curious.

    Rattus The RAT, Jul 13, 2005
  5. James

    dold Guest

    My 2003? No. No MP3, No WAV, just audio.

    There is an empty connector on the back of my 2003 Civic single-CD.
    This is intended for a cassette or CD changer, but the P.I.E adapter plugs
    in there. My MP3 player appears as a CD changer that's always on disc one
    track one.
    PIE HON98-AUX Auxiliary Input Converter
    dold, Jul 13, 2005
  6. James

    jmattis Guest

    The 2004 XM stereo doesn't play MP3.

    Most re-writeable media will work. Problem is, RW's are simply less
    reflective than pressed CD's. When a diode laser gets use, the output
    declines over time. Eventually the player may not play any CD-RW's.
    That's probably why Honda doesn't guarantee it.

    A laser putting out 50% of it's original output (after several years of
    use) may be sufficient for a pressed CD, but won't work for an RW, for
    example. The amount of light bouncing back to the sensor lens simply
    becomes inadequate.
    jmattis, Jul 14, 2005
  7. James

    TomP Guest

    Short answer: some will some won't
    Long answer: There are too many variables to say for sure this brand will or
    won't work. I've had different disks play and not play from the same spindle
    of media.... go figure. If they play Woo-Hoo; if not, try reburning to another
    disk at a slower burn rate.

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    TomP, Jul 16, 2005
  8. James

    James Guest

    which cd-rw brand have you tried? fuji cd-r's seem pretty constant. i have
    used two whole spindles with them and had no problems on any disk.
    James, Jul 18, 2005
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