Changed Tire Car Won't Start (2002 Civic LX)

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Compu-Z, Feb 8, 2004.

  1. Compu-Z

    Compu-Z Guest

    Here's a head scratcher that probably makes me sound stupid but none the
    less still need help. Noticed a screw in the front tire so I changed the
    tire. I went to turn the key so I can use my tire inflator (to plug into
    the lighter plug) and the key won't turn. Just beeps like the key is in the
    ignition and reminds you to take it out. Doesn't turn one way or another,
    totally locked. Tried a spare key still no luck. FOB still works fine. I
    have no idea what I did. Took off the old tire put on the spare. Did it
    before and the car started. Lucky this time it is in my garage and not on
    the side of the highway.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. 2002 Civic Sedan LX (Canadian).
    Compu-Z, Feb 8, 2004
  2. Compu-Z

    Randolph Guest

    Try turning the steering wheel one way or the other and see if that
    makes it possible to turn the key. Every so often the steering wheel
    will rest against the steering wheel lock so hard the key won't move.
    Did you replace a front or a rear tire?
    Randolph, Feb 8, 2004
  3. Compu-Z

    Charlie S Guest

    Down here in the States, my '01 Accord does not have a cigarette
    lighter nor any ash trays. It does have an accessory receptacle for
    electronic items such as cell phones. My instruction book warns
    against plugging in heavy loads such as cigarette lighters. Your tire
    enflator may be pulling too many amps.
    Do you still have ash trays etc. in new cars in Canada?

    Are you using a key in your ignition with an eletronic chip in it?
    Charlie S, Feb 8, 2004
  4. Compu-Z

    jim Guest

    the steering wheel was slightly turned and holding the key in.... i
    happens all the time with the Lock Steering Wheels......
    jim, Feb 8, 2004
  5. Compu-Z

    Artfulcodger Guest

    Try this--foot on brake, car in park, turn key and try jiggling the steering
    wheel at the same time.
    The lock up has absolutely nothing to do with a changed tire of course.
    Artfulcodger, Feb 8, 2004
  6. ===============

    The subject line of this post is slightly incorrect. It should say:
    Changed tire, now key won't turn. If the key is binding, the steering
    wheel needs to be turned hard, (with foot on brake) one way or the other
    to release the locking mechanism. For better performance of all locks on
    the Honda, I use LockEaze in the aerosol spray. It has graphite (messy)
    in a suspension of solvents that wash the grunge out of the door locks
    and ignition. One tiny can has lasted me several years and many
    vehicles. :)


    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 8, 2004
  7. Compu-Z

    jim Guest

    how about replying to the person who had the problem... that is what i
    did and you posted to my reply... they may never get the message you
    have posted to.....
    jim, Feb 9, 2004
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