Changing timing belt

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by larry, Jul 24, 2003.

  1. larry

    larry Guest

    Any advice on chaginging timing belt on 1990 accord.
    larry, Jul 24, 2003
  2. larry

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    I'll just sit back and watch this one. One question: What's the most
    mechanically involved thing you have done to this car so far? bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jul 24, 2003
  3. larry

    noway Guest

    Thats what I was thinking. Or my advice would be "take it in".
    noway, Jul 24, 2003
  4. Unless you have some experience working on cars--don't try it.

    If you do have experience, I suggest that you buy a service manual
    such as one produced by Hayes. Their phone number is

    Your manual would probably have this number: 42012
    Bill B. Johnson, Jul 24, 2003
  5. larry

    Jay C. Guest

    I found that the bottom line is to go and have the crank pulley bolt
    loosened before you start your project....sigh....I wish I had known how
    tight they can be. I am still working on my project because of it.

    Jay C.
    Jay C., Jul 24, 2003
  6. larry

    John D. Guest

    You CAN do it yourself, but your biggest problem -- and one that may
    make you quit right away -- is getting your crankshaft pulley bolt
    loose...they usually are on so TIGHT it takes a serious effort to get
    them off. They must be the TIGHTEST bolts on any given car. Sometimes,
    you just can't get them loose on your own.

    But after you DO get it off, it's not too hard for the rest of the
    work, just time-consuming...except you need to PAY ATTENTION and note
    the reference marks on the gears so you don't put the belt on wrong
    (consequently, do not turn either the crankshaft or camshaft after you
    take the old belt off so the gears do not get out of synch)...but
    there ARE reference marks on everything that you can line up again if
    that happens...that's also in the book (and the article/webpage I cite

    Here is an overview of the probably doesn't all apply but
    your Honda should be'll get an idea what's involved:

    You also can get a Haynes Repair Manual (or Chilton) for your Honda
    that will show you how to do it, step-by-step.

    But as I said, if you can't get the crankshaft bolt loose, you can't
    do anything...take it in to a shop. Labor will be expensive, however,
    the part itself isn't.

    Maybe a shop will at least LOOSEN it for you (using a serious
    air-impact socket). Or get a knowledgable friend to help. There are
    several techniques for getting the bolt loose but you can research
    those yourself, or ask people for tips.

    Good luck,

    John D.
    John D., Jul 25, 2003
  7. I had a 1988 Accord LXI 4 dr and put 388,000 miles. My carpooler but over
    500k miles on his 1988 2 dr. I have a wealth of useful life information on
    system parts. I still have the same mechanic. The belts are good for 90k
    miles and the replacements are rated for 105k miles. Depending on the
    mileage of the car either 180 or 270 you might as well have the water pump
    replaced also. They don't last much past 200k. Doing the timing belt is
    one reason why I still use my mechanic even though they sold the Honda

    If you do it separate the labor is twice as much.
    James M. Kelly, Jul 29, 2003
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