Check ATF with the engine off??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by comcastss news groups, Nov 22, 2006.

  1. I RTFM and thats what it says...

    I've always checked ATF with the engine running?
    I bought this 98 Accord coupe EX V6 105,000 miles about a year ago.
    Is this a honda thing or something new.
    I want to check the manual on my Avalon when I get home tonight.

    Trannys feeling a little funny and we are considering either changing the
    fluid myself. (we just bought fluid from honda) or taking it to a shop to
    have it "serviced".

    Probably change it this weekend and see what happens.
    comcastss news groups, Nov 22, 2006
  2. comcastss news groups

    nm5k Guest

    Dunno about the 98, but yea, most honda automatics you check
    with the engine off. You unscrew the cap, and then let it fall into
    place so its sitting flush. Don't check it with it screwed all the way
    in. Yea, I'd change the fluid. It's easy. Hondas tend to shift a tad
    hard. Fairly normal. Just as long as it ain't slipping... :/
    nm5k, Nov 22, 2006
  3. comcastss news groups

    jim beam Guest

    it's a honda thing. do what it says in the fine manual.
    change it yourself. just drain and refill - factory procedure.
    jim beam, Nov 22, 2006
  4. comcastss news groups

    TeGGeR® Guest

    A Honda thing. Honda does things their own way. That's why we buy them, no?
    They're not quite Citroen, but sorta close...

    Make sure the car is FULLY warm, and make sure the motor is off no more
    than 60 seconds when you check the fluid.
    TeGGeR®, Nov 23, 2006
  5. comcastss news groups

    John Horner Guest

    Some cars are supposed to be checked running, others with it off.

    If you have the transmission services by a shop, make sure it is a Honda
    specialist who will use the correct fluid and the correct procedures.
    Honda's service manuals call for NOT using the "flush" machines which
    are now so common in most shops.

    John Horner, Nov 23, 2006
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