Check Engine Light on a 95 Honda Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Zeek, May 9, 2007.

  1. Zeek

    Zeek Guest

    1. I've got an illuminated check engine light.

    2. What i notice while driving is: the rpm gauge works sporadically or not
    at all. The vehicle jerks a little during speed changes.

    2. After hooking a OBD II scanner to it...I got po725.

    3. The service manual says po725 ='s Symptom: lock-up clutch does not
    engage. Possible Causes: Disconnected ignition coil connector

    Short or open in ignition coil wire

    Faulty ignition coil

    4. Service Manual goes on to say in the Troubleshooting Flowchart:
    Disconnect harness from the Transmission Control Module TCM and measure for
    battery voltage with the ignition switch on; at leads a5 and a 26.

    -is there battery voltage?
    -NO repair open or short in the wire between the A5 terminal and the
    ignition coil.

    -YES Check for loose TCM connector. If necessary substitute a known good
    TCM and recheck.

    5. After i measured the voltage, with the ignition switch on... i got a
    reading of 3 volts. Well below the 12 volt reading i get at the battery.
    The service manual gives a yes or no answer...I'm sort of in-between with 3

    6. Do i have a bad ignition coil?
    Zeek, May 9, 2007
  2. Zeek

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I'd suspect the igniter,inside the distributor.a Jerky tach is the clue.
    The igniter is what triggers the coil,and sends a signal to the ECU for RPM
    Jim Yanik, May 9, 2007
  3. Zeek

    Tegger Guest

    That's P0725, not Po725. ("Zero", not "oh".)

    Try replacing the thermostat. If it's too old, the engine will not reach
    full operating temperature and the lockup clutch will not engage.

    As for the tach, it's unlikely to be a faulty igniter, as that would make
    the car cease to proceed, as they say. Check the blue wire's connection at
    the igniter inside the coil. Bet it's corroded or the wire is broken.
    Tegger, May 9, 2007
  4. Zeek

    motsco_ Guest


    The tach symptom points to an electronic problem, but start with the
    simplest of fixes: Be absolutely sure there's coolant to the top of the
    rad, and well above the -MIN- mark on the reservoir. Air in the system
    will prevent the computer from telling the lock-up clutch to engage. I
    keep mine filled to MAX and it doesn't wander at all.

    motsco_, May 9, 2007
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