Checking Tranny Fluid on 05 Civic Hybrid

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Theodore Kaplan, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. I happened to check the dipstick on the civic with the engine off and it
    appeared low to me. My question is whether it's supposed to be checked with
    the engine running or not. And if so, how long should it be run before
    checking the level? Thanks..
    Theodore Kaplan, Apr 27, 2007
  2. Theodore Kaplan

    jim beam Guest

    what does it say in the owner's manual?
    jim beam, Apr 27, 2007
  3. Theodore Kaplan

    Dano58 Guest

    GENERALLY, you should check the oil with the engine off and cold.
    That's the only way to get an accurate reading of what's in the
    crankcase. Not sure why it would be different on a hybrid, but as Jim
    said, RTFM! ;-)

    Dan D
    '07 Ody EX
    Central NJ USA
    Dano58, Apr 27, 2007
  4. Theodore Kaplan

    Tegger Guest

    Lose your Owner's Manual?

    Warm car up completely by driving it. Shut engine off.

    Between 60 and 90 seconds after shutting the engine off, check the fluid
    level. Do not check before 60 seconds or after 90 seconds. No, I'm not

    If you need a top-up, do NOT use Dexron, only genuine Honda ATF-Z1. I am
    not kidding here either.
    Tegger, Apr 27, 2007
  5. Theodore Kaplan

    Ted Kaplan Guest

    See, that's why I asked...I have the manual, I've read the manual, but even
    so I have three opinions!! Thanks like I say I RTFM!!
    Ted Kaplan, May 1, 2007
  6. Theodore Kaplan

    jim beam Guest

    so what does the manual say?

    jim beam, May 1, 2007
  7. Theodore Kaplan

    Dano58 Guest

    Well, disregard mine, I did not see the word 'tranny' in the subject
    line! Thought you were talking about engine oil. Tranbs fluid needs to
    be checked warm, as Tegger noted.

    Dan D
    '07 Ody EX
    Central NJ USA
    Dano58, May 3, 2007
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