Chevrolet Malibu sales jump 51.5%; dealers pleased

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by johngdole, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. johngdole

    HLS Guest

    Some 50% of the people buy based on the cup holder ;>)
    HLS, Mar 20, 2009
  2. johngdole

    Nate Nagel Guest

    Well, there's a couple things that would be deal killers for me...

    1) high beam DRLs (unfortunately, this excludes a LOT of GM cars)
    2) headlights as simply awful as, say, those originally fitted to a
    US-market Corrado

    Extra consideration would be given to vehicles with

    1) "harmonized" ECE/DOT approved headlights
    2) standard-sized sealed beams, which are easily replaced with E-codes

    Nate Nagel, Mar 20, 2009
  3. johngdole

    Nate Nagel Guest

    Forgot to mention, an acceptable alternative would be a vehicle that
    might not be factory equipped with particularly good headlights but is
    sold in identical form in European markets, so decent headlights could
    be somewhat readily obtained (e.g. aforementioned VW Corrado...) was
    reminded of this as I do have a set of Corrado E-codes and a friend just
    offered to buy them

    Nate Nagel, Mar 20, 2009
  4. johngdole

    Gene Bleuler Guest

    That's the way many guys pick their women--- holder size...
    Gene Bleuler, Mar 20, 2009
  5. johngdole

    SMS Guest

    Yeah, those are horrible, though mostly for other drivers!

    In any case, I'd disconnect DRLs on any car I bought, there are just way
    too many issues with them.
    SMS, Mar 20, 2009
  6. johngdole

    Mike Hunter Guest

    The other 50% take the advice of Consumer Reports, like they do when they
    buy a TV or leaf blower ;)
    Mike Hunter, Mar 20, 2009
  7. johngdole

    AZ Nomad Guest

    posters top by posted statistics up made about care don't 50% other
    the and
    AZ Nomad, Mar 20, 2009
  8. johngdole

    dsi1 Guest

    That's nutty as hell but cup holders probably has swayed a few folks to
    buy one car over another. I'm not picky at all and any car is just fine
    with me - just as long as they have spring loaded change compartments
    under the dash on the driver's side...
    dsi1, Mar 21, 2009
  9. johngdole

    dsi1 Guest

    OK, so some folks will not buy a car based on headlights. I'm feeling
    kind of dumb now cause the only thing I understand is that you don't
    like daytime running lights. This is ok - just as long as you know what
    you know what you're talking about.
    dsi1, Mar 21, 2009
  10. johngdole

    SMS Guest

    I recall when cup holders first started to appear and the Camry lacked
    them and the Accord had them, or vice-versa. It apparently _was_ the
    deciding factor between two vehicles, very similar in other regards.
    SMS, Mar 21, 2009
  11. johngdole

    mikewestvale Guest

    One has to wonder how many accidents have been caused because of the
    presence of cup holders. I don't recall having a bottle of water or
    coffee in the car all that often 20 years ago.
    mikewestvale, Mar 21, 2009
  12. johngdole

    Nate Nagel Guest

    I used to commute at night on a completely unlit 2-lane road; the
    benefit of good headlights was immediately apparent. Fortunately my
    daily back then was a Porsche 944 so replacing the old non-halogen
    sealed beams with Cibie H4s was easy.

    My objection to the high beam DRLs is based on having to share the road
    with vehicles so equipped. It's painful to have one coming at you when
    it's overcast or near sundown, unless the driver has manually turned his
    low beam headlights on. Old saturns are especially awful.

    Nate Nagel, Mar 21, 2009
  13. johngdole

    Nate Nagel Guest

    I must like to live dangerously; I've logged lots of miles in various
    German cars with a cup of coffee jammed between my legs.

    Nate Nagel, Mar 21, 2009
  14. johngdole

    Mike Hunter Guest

    That says a LOT about the folks that buy Camrys and Accords LOL
    Mike Hunter, Mar 21, 2009
  15. I don't recall this happening but, if it says anything, it says that
    there are a lot of car buyers who will switch between Honda and Toyota
    but don't trust anything from the American companies. We call them
    rational consumers.
    Gordon McGrew, Mar 22, 2009
  16. johngdole

    SMS Guest

    The problem is that most of those buyers were burned by the big 3 at
    some time in the past and simply don't trust them anymore. When you have
    a big 3 vehicle that fails catastrophically after five years, then have
    a Honda or Toyota that runs without any problems for ten years, it tends
    to create these trust issues.
    SMS, Mar 23, 2009
  17. johngdole

    AZ Nomad Guest

    More likely, the cup holder appeared as part of a complete redesign which
    brought customers away from the other's relatively aging design.
    AZ Nomad, Mar 23, 2009
  18. Witness my father's attempt, after being a foreign car owner for many
    years, to try GM. 1995 Olds 88. It was big and roomy, and had the
    typical American front seat area that extended all the way across,
    without a console in the middle. He liked it, and bought it.

    3 years later, after many trips to the dealer for many things and after
    a bad run through the mountains (that never gave any of his other cars a
    problem before), where a third-time burned out coil pack almost stranded
    him, he dumped it and bought a (old style, small wagon) 98 Honda Odyssey.

    10 years and 68,000 trouble free miles later (including many, many trips
    through those same mountains), the sole reason he sold the Odyssey was
    because mom died and he didn't need two cars, and he kept mom's much
    newer car and sold the Ody to a young couple with kids.

    Funny thing--they were the first ones to respond to the ad, and after a
    test drive they came back and wrote dad a check on the spot. No
    haggling, nothing. See, they understood the value of what they were
    getting, too.

    After 18 years of Jaanese cars, in 1988 he figured it had to be safe to
    try GM--but got burned badly. Neither he nor any of our family will
    ever "look back". Trust issues? Yep.

    It's not just GM or American cars--with me, I had the same issue with
    VW, and witnessed a few people at work getting burned with the VW coil
    pack issue. Cars aren't something that I say "oh, well" to when the
    manufacturer burns me like that. I can't afford to, and nowadays most
    people realize they can't afford to, either--despite having acted
    differently in the past.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Mar 23, 2009
  19. johngdole

    SMS Guest

    People now have higher expectations about not being stranded.
    SMS, Mar 23, 2009
  20. johngdole

    dsi1 Guest

    When I visited the Seattle area in 1987, I did notice that folks would
    drive with their headlights on in the area where my brother-in-law
    lived. I thought it was strange but evidently,this was considered a
    safety measure for travel on those 2 lane roads.
    dsi1, Mar 23, 2009
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