Cig lighter?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Forest, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. Forest

    Forest Guest

    Howdy, just bought a 2000 Civic I see it has a power outlet. Will that
    work if I stick a cig lighter in it? Do I need to buy one from Honda?

    Forest, Oct 27, 2003
  2. Forest

    dold Guest

    I don't think the socket has the thermal release parts that a cigarette
    lighter has. I think a cigarette lighter will fit, but not release,
    overheating the socket. Look into the socket, and compare that with a
    cigarette lighter socket in some other car.
    dold, Oct 27, 2003
  3. Forest

    Forest Guest

    Will do, thanks...

    Forest, Oct 27, 2003
  4. Forest

    MikeHunt Guest

    There is a difference in the fuse rating between the two.
    Usually 2 AMP for the power outlet and 30 AMP for the cigar

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt, Oct 27, 2003
  5. Forest

    Randolph Guest

    Do you have anything to back this up? Can you even tell me a place that
    will sell a 2A automotive fuse? Or are you just shooting from the hip
    Randolph, Oct 28, 2003
  6. ------------------

    A (honda) cigarette lighter from a wrecking yard will do it... the
    'release' part is in the lighter, not the socket.

    Your family would rather see you QUIT, but that's a posting for a
    different kind of newsgroup.... Sigh. :-(


    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 28, 2003
  7. Forest

    Forest Guest

    " Your family would rather see you QUIT"

    Forest, Oct 28, 2003
  8. Forest

    Leon Guest

    The "release" part may be in the lighter but the socket also has a couple of
    springs on the side. If the springs are bent from other plugins other than
    a lighter (cellphone), then the hot lighter will fly out of the socket when
    Leon, Oct 28, 2003
  9. Forest

    Moitz Guest

    Thus spake on 10/27/2003 4:49 PM:
    I think what Mr. **** is attempting to say is that a power outlet won't
    even support my Compaq evo nc4000 (12v, 65 watts) which would draw 5.41
    (approx) amps (since watts / volts = amps, thank you physics with a
    quick check by my IBEW Local 134 friend). That or he's just blabbering
    on and on about things he has no idea about. Like having a satellite
    uplink (to a Penn Tel Data dialup account.) Or having worked at Ford in
    1949. Which means he was born around 1930. Which makes him 73ish. And
    I don't know too many 73 year olds who use names like "Mike Hunt" or
    "Ilene Dover." Seems a bit, oh I don't know, immature for someone who
    owned their own fleet?

    Go away little troll.

    Moitz, Oct 28, 2003
  10. Forest

    Tegger® Guest

    He's shooting from the hip again. 15A is more likely for the cigarette
    lighter OR the "power outlet".

    Shooting from the hip is remarkably inaccurate. The muzzle tends to climb
    in the direction of your offside shoulder.

    Tegger®, Oct 28, 2003
  11. Forest

    dold Guest

    There is a spring in the lighter portion, but there is a spring metal strip
    at the bottom of the socket that holds the lighter in place until it is
    weakened by heat, allowing the lighter to spring out.
    dold, Oct 28, 2003
  12. Forest

    dold Guest

    My 2003 Civic lists the accessory outlet as being for items "drawing less
    than 120 watts (10 amps)". It lists a 15 amp fuse for the circuit.
    dold, Oct 28, 2003
  13. Forest

    Chris Garcia Guest

    "Tegger®" <> decided to join
    the conversation on 27 Oct 2003 with message
    My "power outlet" is 10A.. 96 Civic.

    and I *have* seen 2A spade fuses before. not in a car though.

    -Chris <- My Homepage <- *NEW* My cars <- *Sort-of NEW* My dogs <- Centerpoint Station, the "ghost-town"
    of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Oct 28, 2003
  14. --------------------


    I'm sure you're quite right. I was just thinking of the spring.

    I've only touched a cigarette lighter once in the last twenty years . .
    .. and managed to burn my finger badly. I'm no expert. :)


    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 28, 2003
  15. Forest

    Bebop Guest

    There is another useful feature for the lighter. Since more receipts are
    printed on thermo paper. It's a great way to erase you credit card and
    ATM info on the receipts.
    Bebop, Oct 28, 2003
  16. Forest

    NetSock Guest

    Ahhh...our village idiot returns with more horse cocky.

    Ok...this is it Mike...tell us where you came up with the "2 AMP" fuse
    rating for the power outlet.


    I have worked on MANY power outlet in autos and boats, and have NEVER seen a
    2 amp fuse in one.

    This is your chance to put up, or shut up. If you fail to respond, you will
    be proven once again you are a bold face liar.

    We are waiting.
    NetSock, Oct 28, 2003
  17. Forest

    NetSock Guest


    The "power outlets" in most cars are not designed for the amperage and heat
    of a cigarette lighter, however, when the wave of "no installed lighters"
    started a few years ago, some manufactures were in fact simply putting a cap
    on the existing lighter sockets...which of course *would* work fine with a

    I have not looked at a 2000 Civic, so I can not make the determination. What
    is the amp rating of that socket?
    NetSock, Oct 28, 2003
  18. Forest

    StonyMason Guest

    I did say 'usually' but I guess I should have been more specific
    and said FROM 2 AMP for the power outlet and UP TO 30 AMP for the
    cigar lighter since you guys think in terms of the one vehicle
    you happen to own at the time. In our business we deal in many
    brands and models and none that I know of uses the same ratings
    for both and that was the purpose of the post.
    StonyMason, Oct 28, 2003
  19. Forest

    StonyMason Guest

    Actually its 1926 and I don't name the stations email connection,
    the young turks on our network do that. I simply
    use their connection to the net from the satellite station
    that I access. If you think six vehicles is fleet then I
    own a fleet. ;)

    mike hunt
    StonyMason, Oct 28, 2003
  20. Forest

    dold Guest

    I don't understand the penchant in the group for attacking Mike,
    especially since most of the attacks offer no solutions, just challenges.

    I can accept generalities. Sometimes Mike doesn't note that his comments
    are generalities.

    The OP was asking about a recent Civic. I quoted a 2003 Civic manual, and
    cited my point of reference. The socket is not a cigarette lighter socket.
    I looked at a widget at Fry's Electronics called an outlet multiplier or
    something like that. It clearly contains one cigarette lighter socket and
    three power sockets, missing the spring clip.

    I think Mike's suggestion of 2 amps is low for an accessory outlet fuse,
    but the point remains that the accessory outlet is not a cigarette lighter
    outlet. The 2003 Civic Service Manual doesn't even list a cigarette
    lighter as a factory option. There is no fuse designated for one.
    dold, Oct 28, 2003
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