Civic '92 throttle response delay, bad idle

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Kerozin, Apr 6, 2007.

  1. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    Few days ago i replaced complete DPFI throttle body (the one with two
    injectors) with "new" junkyard part. The old one had worn throttle
    plate shaft that was sticking like hell and making my life miserable
    in stop and go traffic.

    Well the sticking is now gone but there are new problems that make the
    previous one a joke :-(

    1. After car is warmed up there's throttle response delay so if I
    don't apply throttle really really gently the engine will first stalls
    for about 0,7sec before revving up.

    2. After engine breaking and pressing the clutch engine almost stalls,
    most of the time it recovers by itself and idles fine however idle is
    a little bit too high or low.

    3. When cold, engine starts a little too fast. With old throttle body
    it always took about 1 sec for engine to fire up. Now it starts almost
    immediately after turning the key. Should it be like that?

    As far as I checked there seems to be some vacuum issues. The upper
    tandem throttle plate is not opening under throttle and I can't feel
    any vacuum on it's diaphragm hose, not even on air intake chamber
    which it is connected to.

    After disconnecting EACV engine RPM drops to around 400 rpm and I can
    still feel a little bit of vacuum. Not much but it's there.

    As I understand there's a coolant line that goes into throttle body
    (not sure), should the system be bleed after TB replacement?

    I also checked throttle angle sensor and it seems fine.

    Thanks for any help!
    Kerozin, Apr 6, 2007
  2. Kerozin

    jim beam Guest

    check tandem valve and tps.
    braking, not breaking. unless you mean your engine broke. [sorry, but
    you're getting the flak someone else started - please get the right one.]
    set the base idle correctly - if it's too far out, the eacv takes too
    long to kick in.
    instant start is unusual - could be an injector leak. run injector
    cleaner through it.
    it's switched by a solenoid - so no vacuum all the time. check hoses
    and diaphragm for leaks. run motor with air cleaner off - you can see
    if the valve is operating at higher revs.

    also, some dpfi's have a restricted tandem valve - check to see if it
    opens all the way and whether that matches your old one.
    self bleeding.
    how'd you check?
    any codes? and are you in the usa? dpfi was only on the 88-91 civics
    over here.
    jim beam, Apr 6, 2007
  3. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    check tandem valve and tps.

    Tandem is not working that's for sure.
    Sorry for my English, haven't used it for a while, you can expect more
    nonsense to follow :)
    Is this the procedure?
    I have two good injectors on old TB that I can salvage. Can injectors
    be removed without damaging the seals since there's no way I can get
    new ones?
    Diaphragm is ok, I have checked it with small vacuum pump, it doesn't
    leak. Solenoid is open when engine is off so I guess it's also ok.
    Bloody thing just won't move.

    It seems they're only two possibilities. There's leak through seal
    between air intake chamber and throttle body (almost impossible) or a
    leak through EACV that is also unlikely since it worked just fine with
    old TB

    I'll try connecting old TB to a vacuum hose to see if it works any
    That crossed my mind so I already checked that. They're the same, I
    can open it manually all the way.
    I kinda hoped that would be it.
    Not by the book to be honest, just measured resistance. I didn't find
    any spikes, readings are linear as I move the throttle.
    No, no codes at all.
    I'm from Croatia and the Civic is for French market. Most of the 5th
    gen. Civic's here are DPFI, 3rd world country specs :)

    Thanks a lot for your help!
    Kerozin, Apr 6, 2007
  4. Kerozin

    jim beam Guest

    did you check the electrical for the solenoid? does it click if you
    apply direct voltage? is the connection good?
    yes. check the idle rpm's for your car - they vary a little from model
    to model.
    it's not so easy to do without damage. assume for now that the
    injectors are good - honda injectors are /very/ reliable. simply put
    injector cleaner in the tank when you get this thing running properly.
    check for damage or obstruction. if you remove the air ducting, you
    should be able to operate the valve with your finger. once moving, look
    for gotchas like linkages. also, the rubber hose between the solenoid
    and the tandem valve diaphragm is frequently shot, so i recommend
    replacing it.
    set the idle correctly for the new tb. makes a huge difference.
    ok, good. at high mileage, the tps can wear, but it usually sets a
    code. they can be repaired, but it's a pita. easier to replace.
    jim beam, Apr 6, 2007
  5. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    Tandem is not working that's for sure.
    I tried following for today:

    Connecting old throttle body tandem diaphragm directly to air intake
    chamber (using new hose) of running engine. Almost no movement
    regardless RPM.

    Connected current tandem diaphragm directly to air intake chamber
    bypassing solenoid. Same results as above.

    Checked air intake chamber rubber seal - undamaged.

    Checked voltage on solenoid - it's there

    Disconnected EACV from intake chamber (thought it's stuck open) and
    plugging the hole on it - still no movement of tandem diaphragm.
    Interesting thing is that I still feel some vacuum on EACV even with
    engine above 3krpm. Shouldn't EACV be fully closed when engine is not

    I also set base idle. The manual states that when you turn lights,
    defroster etc. idle should stay the same. Mine does not but drops down
    with everything turned on for almost 200 rpm.

    So any ideas what's happening with tandem? Is it possible that
    diaphragm membranes on both became too hard? They're holding vacuum
    and I can quite easily move diaphragm shaft. Or there's simply no
    vacuum in air intake chamber. I just can't see where it could escape?
    Kerozin, Apr 7, 2007
  6. Kerozin

    jim beam Guest

    that's the high pressure side, so no dice. the low pressure side, where
    the solenoid venturi is, is internal. the second pipe you see is just
    venting for when the diaphragm is released.
    ok, let's ignore the eacv for the time being.

    if the tandem valve is not moving, it can only be the following:

    1. the linkage/mechanism is jammed. but you say it's free to move.
    2. the diaphragm is leaking. re-test by removing the hose, wetting a
    finger, then with the throttle plate in the open position, put your
    finger over the diaphragm pipe hole. if the plate stays open, the
    diaphragm's good. remove finger, the plate should snap shut.
    3. the diaphragm hose is leaking.
    4. the solenoid's not working. you tested the electrical, but do you
    hear it clicking if you apply current to it? if you attach hose and
    blow, can you feel it open when you apply current?
    5. there's a blockage on the solenoid venturi in the throttle body.
    jim beam, Apr 7, 2007
  7. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    Connected current tandem diaphragm directly to air intake chamber
    How could I be so stupid... sorry for wasting your time.

    When I took off solenoid I thought that it's connected to fuel line
    and that this port is only used for lubrication since it had little
    fuel in it. I guess it came in there during disassembly of TB. A
    friend of mine which is professional mechanic for heavy equipment
    confirmed that... but he was wrong.
    Thanks a lot! I'm now almost sure solenoid is stuck closed. I'll
    replace it with one from old TB first thing in a morning and let you
    know if this fixed the problem.
    Kerozin, Apr 7, 2007
  8. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    1. the linkage/mechanism is jammed. but you say it's free to move.
    I tried replacing solenoid today. Of course one of the screws is
    seized and I had to take whole throttle body down but still didn't
    managed to do it. This will have to wait for tomorrow.

    On port on the lower side of the TB was totally blocked by liquid
    gasket. I know it's not tandem vacuum port but is it used for anything

    This was the plugged port:

    Also is it possible to fry solenoid by reversing polarity? Tried to
    check old one first on one side and since nothing happened reversed
    polarity - still nothing. I had voltage passing through it but it
    didn't click and current was something hardly measurable (50mA?).
    Someone mentioned some kind of diode in it. I totally dismantled it
    but can't find any. Now when I apply current directly to electromagnet
    it works just fine.
    Kerozin, Apr 8, 2007
  9. Kerozin

    jim beam Guest

    bingo! never use liquid gasket dude - this a textbook example of why!
    either make a new gasket out of an old envelope [if you're desperate] or
    buy the real deal.
    probably diode protected, but don't worry about that - just worry about
    whether it clicks and opens when the correct polarity is applied. and
    don't worry any more about taking it off - you've found your problem.
    unplug the ports and everything will now work.
    jim beam, Apr 8, 2007
  10. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    bingo! never use liquid gasket dude - this a textbook example of why!
    Actually that was a work of professional. It's quite hard to obtain
    parts for older Hondas here in Croatia so improvisation is quite
    common even for dealership workshops. By the manual there should go O-
    ring which is of course not there so I'll have to use liquid gasket
    I've just checked and plugged port is actually used by MAP sensor.
    Unless ECU won't open tandem without high vacuum reading from MAP
    sensor I would still presume dead solenoid. i just hope it's working
    since I butchered old one really really bad. It's made from one piece
    of injected plastic, had to use dremel tool to take it apart.

    I'll put tomorrow everything back together and let you know if problem
    is fixed. Thanks again, without your help I couldn't do a thing.
    Kerozin, Apr 8, 2007
  11. Kerozin

    jim beam Guest

    understand. you can buy parts online from the usa though. if they
    won't sell you, i expect one of us can buy and ship to you instead.
    not ideal, but if you have to, this time let it fully cure before
    reassembly. otherwise it'll just squeeze out and block things again.
    it's a while since i've taken one of these apart, but the tandem
    solenoid /definitely/ gets its vacuum from low in the throttle body, not
    high where the vent pipe goes. i'll check and reconfirm from the manual
    when i get home.
    didn't know that, but it makes sense.
    no, presume it's not getting signal if the map sensor venturi is blocked.
    between the two bodies you have, you should be able to assemble one
    complete unit that works.
    jim beam, Apr 9, 2007
  12. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    it's a while since i've taken one of these apart, but the tandem
    Bad luck. Both solenoids from "new" and old TB are blown. I'm right
    now trying to repair one of them but it'll be really hard to do so.

    Btw, tandem vacuum port is actually between two plates, right in the
    level with solenoid.

    This is what I have to put back together:

    Another bad thing is that I'm reading unusually high voltage on ECU
    side of solenoid plug. It's over 17 volts and once engine is fully
    warmed it's constantly there regardless RPM. Blown ECU would really
    really depress me.

    I'm gluing with araldite epoxy one of solenoids, so tomorrow after
    soldering back coil and diode we'll have another try.
    Kerozin, Apr 9, 2007
  13. Kerozin

    jim beam Guest

    slight problem!
    it's hard to see how you can get 17v on a nominally 12v system. and
    it's /highly/ unusual [but frequently misdiagnosed] for an ecu to die.
    you may save yourself the time and effort by just getting another
    throttle body. even if you get that thing back together, it'll be
    highly suspect. shouldn't really disassemble a solenoid, just replace.n
    only reason to try repair is if parts are otherwise absolutely
    jim beam, Apr 9, 2007
  14. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    Well to be honest I quite enjoyed it despite hours of time wasted.

    And guess what - IT WORKS! This is finished product:

    I glued the thing back together, threw in 1N4005 diode for coil surge
    protection (since I couldn't find old one in solenoid) and tandem is
    now working. I'll have to get new solenoid since this one will fail
    for sure after some time since it's no longer watertight and I have
    doubts how well it holds vacuum.

    The question is why two solenoids failed, wouldn't be surprised that
    something is blowing them. We'll see over period of few days.

    And the car is so much faster now - manual tranny, everything stock
    minus rear seats, spare tire and other nonsense... not bad for
    something rescued from junkyard.

    One the other hand I still have what looks like EACV issues that I
    mentioned before. Idle w/o load - 850pm. After turning on lights, rear
    defroster etc. - 500 rpm. Shouldn't EACV take car of such things? When
    I disconnect EACV connector RPM drops to around 700 rpm w/o load which
    should be OK?
    Kerozin, Apr 10, 2007
  15. Kerozin

    jim beam Guest

    excellent!!! impressive too - that solenoid was munged.
    i doubt they did - just that the venturi was blocked.
    yes it should. what are the rpm's when starting from cold?
    does it click when you disconnect it? you should hear it clicking as
    you take the plug in and out. and revs should change. if no clicking,
    the eacv or the electrical connection is shot. if it clicks, take it
    off and see if the filter screen is clogged. i removed the screen
    completely on my 90 since 89 and earlier civic's don't have one at all -
    i figure the 90 can run without.
    jim beam, Apr 11, 2007
  16. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    yes it should. what are the rpm's when starting from cold?

    Just a tad over 1500 rpm.
    I just noticed that idle is not always the same. On every stop I get
    different idle rpm's which are stable but can be anywhere between 550
    and 850 rpm.
    Will try that in a few days and I'll send injectors from old TB for
    rebuilt since I can get that done for free.
    Kerozin, Apr 12, 2007
  17. Kerozin

    jim beam Guest

    sounds like insufficient air flow on the eacv valve - you're idling
    without supplemental control.
    bet you never need to use them!
    jim beam, Apr 12, 2007
  18. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    sounds like insufficient air flow on the eacv valve - you're idling
    Damn, drove a car to work today and throttle response delay is still
    present and I can fell slight hesitation around 3krpm but that was
    there before TB swap.

    I can't think of anything on TB that may cause such behavior. There's
    fuel pressure regulator on it and nothing else.

    I did change spark plugs and fuel filter at the same time as TB but
    engine is working smoothly so I don't think that has anything to do
    with it.
    Kerozin, Apr 13, 2007
  19. Kerozin

    jim beam Guest

    check/replace plug leads and distributor cap/rotor. also, be sure the
    timing belt is tensioned correctly. if it's slack, there's a lot of
    flutter in the timing signals to the ecu and it starts "getting
    conservative" with ignition timing. [do /not/ overtension the timing
    belt either! google this group for instructions or follow the honda
    service manual instructions to the letter.]
    jim beam, Apr 13, 2007
  20. Kerozin

    Kerozin Guest

    check/replace plug leads and distributor cap/rotor. also, be sure the
    I still think that reason for throttle response delay and those
    strange instant starts from time to time lies in the "new" TB since
    those symptoms where simply not there with old one.

    So I replaced today fuel pressure regulator - nothing has changed.
    Tried revving w/o lambda sensor, delay still present.

    Since this is really starting to piss me off, I'll recheck throttle
    angle sensor, replace injectors with old ones and well, after that
    there's nothing left to repair on TB.

    Will post results tomorrow.
    Kerozin, Apr 13, 2007
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