Civic Brake Question

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Chief_Billy, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. Chief_Billy

    Chief_Billy Guest

    I want to check my rear brakes, but can't get the damn brake drums off
    to inspect the shoes. Is there some trick I don't know about how to
    remove the brake drums ? I've whacked them with a hammer and sprayed
    rust-buster on the lugs, in case they are rusted on. Still, they won't
    budge. And YES, the emergency brake is OFF.
    Chief_Billy, Apr 22, 2006
  2. Chief_Billy

    TeGGeR® Guest

    wrote in

    They won't move at all, right?

    Get a 1/2 lb ball-peen hammer. Tap the spaces between the lugs, rotating
    and tapping as you go. You can tap hard if you like, so it's more like a
    whack. Eventually you'll break up the rust that's gluing things together
    and the drum will come off. If it now wiggles but still won't come off,
    that's a different problem...
    TeGGeR®, Apr 22, 2006
  3. Chief_Billy

    chip Guest

    use the threaded holes in the drums. just start screwing bolts in
    until it pops. that's what those holes are for!
    chip, Apr 22, 2006
  4. Chief_Billy

    TeGGeR® Guest

    In my neck of the woods those screw holes are *worse* than useless. We have
    too much rust.

    To the OP: If you use those holes and all the metal does is bulge, STOP!
    Then tap the surrounding areas with the hammer as I said earlier. Lots of
    good whacks with the hammer will achieve your objective.
    TeGGeR®, Apr 22, 2006
  5. Chief_Billy

    Sid Guest

    I had this problem on an Isuzu pickup and I eventually took it to a mechanic
    because I could not get them off no matter how much I hit it with a hammer.
    He used an air hammer until they broke loose. Even then, he had to go to
    town with that air hammer for a good 5 minutes before they would release.

    Sid, Apr 22, 2006
  6. Chief_Billy

    SoCalMike Guest

    my rear drums (98 civic cx) have 2 threaded holes, perfect size for2
    LONG metric threaded bolts.

    find 2, thread em in, itll push the drum right off.
    SoCalMike, Apr 22, 2006
  7. Chief_Billy

    Chief_Billy Guest

    Thanks to all. I guess I was going at it the right way, but without
    enough ferocity.
    I'll give them another whack....

    And I didn't even consider the two bolt-holes.......never even gave
    them a thought.

    Again, many thanks...
    Chief_Billy, Apr 23, 2006
  8. Chief_Billy

    Elle Guest

    Oh for sure get the correct fitting bolts and put them in
    those holes. I drove my 91 Civic for many years in the
    Northern U.S. Using the bolt holes a few years ago, I
    didn't have any meaningful problem getting the drums off.

    BTW, always helps others (now or for the archives) to post
    your year of Honda and miles on it, in addition to the
    model. :)
    Elle, Apr 23, 2006
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