civic diesel

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Timothy Stoughton, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Timothy Stoughton

    Pszemol Guest

    Well, when I follow a bus on my bicycle I can smell the exhaust gases
    and see the soot coming from the exhaust pipe with a naked eye...
    Smell is worse than from the very old gasoline engine car without the cat.
    I would need to read how people are managing polution from diesel
    engines in a modern cars. Catalyser would get clogged with soot on
    these cars so in most cases diesel cars run without it...
    Engines might last longer, but batteries last much shorter... :)
    One of my friends back in Europe owned diesel version of the Opel Kadett.
    Tons of problems with this diesel... Horrible memories, bad experience
    imprinted in the minds of people owning such diesel could influence
    todays diesel selling.
    Pszemol, Sep 8, 2008
  2. Timothy Stoughton

    jim beam Guest

    three points:

    1. a crappy old bus with mechanical injection is not a modern electronic
    injection diesel.

    2. even though you can "smell" stuff, the percentage of emissions from
    that diesel are still considerably less than a gasoline engine. diesels
    use excess air and higher compression so they get much more complete

    3. diesel fuel qualities vary considerably - especially on bulk
    contracts to unsophisticated buyers like municipal bus fleets. the
    quality they contract for and what gets delivered is seldom the same.
    and quality affects burn.

    some modern diesels do have catalysts. they have soot separators too.

    so all this is based on someone else's alleged experience? with just
    one vehicle? terrific.
    jim beam, Sep 9, 2008
  3. Timothy Stoughton

    Pszemol Guest

    My whole argument is based on the experience with OLD diesels.
    Doubts are based on past and current experience, not on future engines.
    The old opel kadett is also far from "modern electronic injection diesel".
    The same old mercedes passenger diesel engines made in 70's.
    We are talking about my doubts, not describing results from the exhaust
    gases analyzer. If you have access to such comparison I would like to see
    And why would the most important custommer got crappy fuel?
    Our city air polution is dependent on the fuel buses burn...
    They should be first in line to get clean fuel.

    What diesel fuel do you expect will be available on cheapest
    fuel sites for the average customer driving passenger diesel?
    I am sure "some" do... How about majority of them?
    Are they maybe REQUIRED by law to have catalytic converters like gasoline
    engines are?
    If I buy TDI golf or passat today - will it have converter and soot
    Probably not... Do they qualify as a "modern diesel engine" by your
    Here is my way of thinking: Diesel battery has to work harder than gasoline
    The battery in a diesel car has to not only turn the engine (starter), which
    is on itself harder than gasoline engine due to the higher compression but
    also has to power glow plugs, not existing in the gasoline engines...
    Is it rubbish? Would you care to elaborate?
    No, my experience is not limited to this single car. This was just one
    example I shared with you. Do not jump to conclusion too quickly...
    Pszemol, Sep 9, 2008
  4. Timothy Stoughton

    jim beam Guest

    and you use that to condemn all MODERN diesels. that's dumb.

    you contradict yourself. see above.

    see above.

    do you know what stoichiometry is? do you know the fuel/air ratio for

    dude, you have no idea. no, municipal vehicle agencies are generally
    some of the dumbest of the lot. so they contract for the supply of
    such-and-such a quantity of fuel, with grades for cetane, sulfur, flash
    point, etc. they may even have tests done on the first delivery. but
    then, the supplier starts shipping the cheap crap, pocketing the price
    difference, maybe sharing a little squeeze with some nosy municipal
    depot guy if he starts bleating, and hey presto - you have dirty smelly
    municipal buses. trust me on that one.

    dude, when are you going to use your internet connection to do some
    homework? you throw out this underinformed crap, but so far, you
    haven't checked a single fact.

    yeah. diesel batteries last just fine. and it's because they're
    spec'ed for the job. but you'd know that if you had direct personal
    experience rather than speculating wildly.

    so you saw a diesel mercedes drive through your neighborhood one time?
    terrific! that gives you sufficient experience to have an opinion on
    /all/ diesels then!
    jim beam, Sep 10, 2008
  5. Timothy Stoughton

    Pszemol Guest

    I do not condemn, I doubt in their greeness or cleaness compared to gasoline
    engines. Do not twist my words or assume something I haven'd said.
    It is only your wrong understanding, not contradiction.

    see above.
    I know what soichiometry is, I had chemistry in my middle school and
    highschool, but I would rather see the results of the exhaust gases
    Do you have access to such comparison data?

    You would think that excess oxygen in the exhaust gases would warrant
    complete combustion, but judging by the amount of soot, which is
    unburned carbon, something is causing INcomplete combustion... If soot
    is apearing in the exhaust than I do not see why NOx or SOx would not.
    Also, you stated that some diesel engines are equipped with catalityc
    converters - they would not need it if the diesel engines was characterised
    with complete combustion. So as you can see, I have at least two reasons
    to believe that the chemical reactions on the combustion chambers of
    diesel engines are NOT enough stoichiometric.
    Dude, the same thing can be happening on any Clark or Speedway gas stations.
    Dude, when will you start the post written by people you try to discuss
    I have already stated I do not have time for an extensive research of
    how diesel compares to gasoline engines in terms of exhaust gases...
    And this statement is based on your gut feeling or personal experience with
    one car?
    Batteries for diesel engines are not designed any differently...
    They are just bigger.
    Dude, you have no idea.
    Pszemol, Sep 10, 2008
  6. Timothy Stoughton

    jim beam Guest

    here's a really dumbed down article that should help you stop guessing

    and it shows! the mystifyingly contradictory bit though is how you seem
    to have the time to keep on proving it.

    er, no.

    wrong guess.

    stop wasting time demonstrating what you don't know and use it to
    edumacate yourself.
    jim beam, Sep 11, 2008
  7. Timothy Stoughton

    Pszemol Guest

    Finally you were able to contribute with something usefull.
    Pszemol, Sep 11, 2008
  8. Timothy Stoughton

    jim beam Guest

    not only can you not use google to save yourself public embarrassment
    stating a bunch of underinformed untruths, you can't even use a
    spell-checker on the word "useful"!!!
    jim beam, Sep 12, 2008
  9. Timothy Stoughton

    Pszemol Guest

    You are so boring...
    Pszemol, Sep 12, 2008
  10. Timothy Stoughton

    jim beam Guest

    er, actually, the " boring" bit is mistakenly taking the time to try
    explaining stuff to someone that turns out not to want to know.
    jim beam, Sep 12, 2008
  11. Timothy Stoughton

    Pszemol Guest

    Why are you so childish? How old are you?
    Pszemol, Sep 12, 2008
  12. Timothy Stoughton

    jim beam Guest

    eh? lets see - you're the guy pissing and moaning, calling names, and
    acting up, yet /i'm/ the one being childish? i think you have a bit of
    a denial and projection problem there buddy.
    jim beam, Sep 13, 2008
  13. Timothy Stoughton

    Pszemol Guest

    What "name" I called you, exactly? Grow up, buddy!

    How about we make a deal: any time I ask the group for anything in the
    future, please - simply ignore me. I do not like your unhelpfull and arogant
    answers anyway so I will not loose anything in the process and you
    will not be pissed of by my "name calling" or moaning anymore.
    You could even use your kill-file feature in the newsreader and will not
    see me at all here... Do something else -whatever- just leave me alone!

    Sounds like a deal?
    Pszemol, Sep 13, 2008
  14. Timothy Stoughton

    jim beam Guest

    oh dear, denial _and_ recall problems. we already know you have google
    search problems.

    that's spelled "u-n-h-e-l-p-f-u-l" - only one "l" at the end.

    that's spelled "a-r-r-o-g-a-n-t" - two "r"'s. you check what that word
    means some time too.

    no, not even remotely. you're here bullshitting and spreading
    misinformation. just like pissing in your own swimming pool, that
    pollutes the community knowledge on this group. and i'll take issue
    with you each time you do it.

    /your/ choice is to either keep out of the kitchen if it's too warm for
    you /or/ bother to check your facts. real simple.
    jim beam, Sep 14, 2008
  15. Timothy Stoughton

    Pszemol Guest

    OK - I will ask again: what name I called you?
    Quotation please! Do not accuse without proof!
    Thank you very much for correcting my spelling mistakes, but
    it is really not neccessary and it diverts the atention from the
    conversation... So unless this is your main reason of doint this
    please do not correct my typos and spelling. Thanks.
    Kitchen is not too warm.
    And now once again: what name I called you and where?
    Pszemol, Sep 15, 2008
  16. Timothy Stoughton

    jim beam Guest

    use google or read back through your drivelings using your newsreader!
    jeepers dude, how hard can life be for someone like you?
    jim beam, Sep 17, 2008
  17. Timothy Stoughton

    Pszemol Guest

    You are so full of bs... I did not call you any name and you know it.
    That is why you cannot quote me doing this.
    Pszemol, Sep 17, 2008
  18. Timothy Stoughton

    jim beam Guest

    "earth to planet szemol: earth sees no reason to propagate your
    mistakes. over."
    jim beam, Sep 18, 2008
  19. Timothy Stoughton

    Pszemol Guest

    Propagate my mistakes? What are you talking about?
    Jimmy, I did not call you names and you know it...

    It is just not my weapon of choice in these newsgroup duels.

    You are just pissed off because you cannot prove your accusations...
    But that is ok, I forgive you this time. Try not to do it again, please. :)
    Pszemol, Sep 18, 2008
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