Civic muffler/pipes

Discussion in 'Civic' started by richard48, Feb 8, 2004.

  1. richard48

    richard48 Guest

    Car is a 98 Civic EX coupe. Need to replace the muffler, the pipe that
    is attached to the front of the routed over te rear axle,
    and the straight exhause pipe at the other end of the muffler. How much
    do you figure a shop would charge for this work?
    richard48, Feb 8, 2004
  2. richard48

    Artfulcodger Guest

    Depends on country your in, the currency you use and the quality you want.
    Pick up yellow pages look under muffler shops and ask for heaven's sake.
    Call three or four if you like.
    Then drive vehicle to the one you think best four your budget.
    It ain't rocket science.
    Pardon the sarcasm but I am in a rotten mood today. But now I feel better.
    Thanks for getting me unwound.
    Artfulcodger, Feb 8, 2004
  3. richard48

    T. Nelson Guest

    Despite the sarcasm--it was still great advice.
    T. Nelson, Feb 9, 2004
  4. richard48

    jim Guest

    look in yellow pages and call a muffler shop and ask them... i had a 75
    datsun pickup years ago and needed a muffler.. called one of the big
    muffler companies that always advertises and was quoted a price of
    $150 for the muffler and tail pipe.... i went to auto parts store and
    got what i needed for $40 and it took me about 20 minutes to do the
    job.. i got a pretty good discount on the parts(when calling for the
    parts they quoted $60).. went there and got it for $40...
    jim, Feb 9, 2004
  5. richard48

    JXM2119 Guest

    I have replace both the muffler and the resanator
    (the pipe infront of the muffler) The resanator goes
    for about $150 -200 the muffler was another $125
    In mosst likely hood you have had the resanator
    break at the welds, mine has 3 time. Poorly built/designed
    by honda in my opinion.

    You looking at about a $300 repair all together.

    I have a 98 Civic DX and I am on my 3 resanator since
    owning the car. I live in NY and the salt and weather
    have a field day with a hot piece of metal close to
    the ground.

    Goodluck with it,
    - Jay
    JXM2119, Feb 9, 2004
  6. richard48

    richard48 Guest

    Thanks for all the input. After checking a few places for the repair, I
    found them to be pretty close in price. Got it done for $215. I live
    in S. Florida, so road salt wasn't a factor. So the pipes and muffler
    lasted six years since the car was new, so I can't complain.
    richard48, Feb 9, 2004
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