Civic Nav System Routing Options

Discussion in 'Civic' started by drksky1056, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. drksky1056

    drksky1056 Guest

    I have an 07 Civic with the built-in nav system that has an annoying
    "feature". When I go on long trips for vacations, I like to take back
    roads, state highways and such, and I used to do this with just a
    pocket atlas at hand. I'm planning a trip and if I put in a
    destination anywhere over 60 or so miles away, I don't get the option
    to minimize freeways. Is there any way around this? I'd like to put
    in my final destination, about 900 miles away and minimize freeways,
    but the thing just won't let me do it. Any ideas?

    drksky1056, Jun 24, 2007
  2. Yeah.

    You spent $2000 for that system, which is built in and which you cannot
    take from car to car. You also cannot choose what features you want.

    You could spend $500 for a nice portable system that does all you want
    and much more, and which goes from car to car.

    Spend the $500, and get a Garmin system that does what you want.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 24, 2007
  3. drksky1056

    drksky Guest

    Thanks for the smart-ass remark that nobody needed.
    drksky, Jun 25, 2007
  4. drksky1056

    drksky Guest

    Thanks for the smart-ass remark that nobody needed. What do you do?
    Troll usenet forums looking for someone to berate?

    drksky, Jun 25, 2007
  5. drksky1056

    jim beam Guest

    you may not like the tone, but the content is absolutely correct!
    jim beam, Jun 25, 2007
  6. drksky1056

    drksky Guest

    drksky, Jun 25, 2007
  7. drksky1056

    Dick Guest

    Are you saying that you can turn off the maximize freeways for routes
    up to about 60 miles, but over that the option is not there? My nav
    is in an Accord so may be a little different, but I have had the
    freeways turned off for routes up to 300 miles. Haven't tried it
    further than that.
    Dick, Jun 25, 2007
  8. drksky1056

    drksky Guest

    That's exactly it. Say I put in a route to go from Chicago to St.
    Louis, but I don't want to take I-55, so I try to change the routing
    options, but the only ones available are Direct, East and Maximize
    Freeways. But if I were to put in Chicao go Kankakee, I have those
    three routing options, plus Minimize Freeways and one other (I don't
    remember what the 5th option was). It's quite annoying.

    On a related note, has anyone tried to go to the site?
    There's a link from the main Honda site that there is an updated DVD
    available, but taking that link results in Mozilla saying, "Waiting
    for" which just eventually yields a blank page.
    drksky, Jun 25, 2007
  9. drksky1056

    Dick Guest

    I just tried it and went right to the order page. Of course it was
    for the Accord and not the Civic. Didn't try that one. Try this one
    and maybe you can use it to get to the Civic DVD.

    Sometimes these sites are very hard to access if you have pop-ups
    blocked, cookies screwed down, etc. Might check that with your

    Dick, Jun 26, 2007
  10. drksky1056

    jim beam Guest

    really? what part of "You also cannot choose what features you want."
    was unclear?
    my, you have a thin skin for someone that's happy to go from zero to
    schmuck in less than 2 seconds. get over it.
    jim beam, Jun 26, 2007
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