Civic Pining

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Dave Boland, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Dave Boland

    Dave Boland Guest

    My 97 Civic pings no matter what grade of gas I use and the Honda dealer
    doesn't know what the problem is. The car has been tuned and valves
    adjusted. Any ideas?

    Dave Boland, Nov 15, 2004
  2. Try a higher quality gasoline brand (regardless of octane). My '93 Accord
    did the same thing with cheap quality gas in the tank. Switching to a
    higher quality brand helped after a few fill-ups.
    Imminent Vengeance, Nov 15, 2004
  3. Dave Boland

    motsco_ _ Guest


    :) Sorry, thought you were going to tell us your Civic was 'pining' to
    go home to the land of the Rising Sun.

    Like the Dead Parrot sketch from Monty Python. :)

    motsco_ _, Nov 16, 2004
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