Civic Power window/locks problem

Discussion in 'Civic' started by SK, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. SK

    SK Guest


    I purchased a used 1996 Civic EX and all the power windows and locks
    worked for sometime. Recently I noticed that none of the power windows
    nor locks worked from the Master Control Switch, except the Driver
    side Window. Mileage is arrprox. 87K.

    Driver Side: Power window goes up and down. Master Power Lock not

    Passenger Front Side: Master control switch or Passenger side switch
    cannot operate the window up or down.

    Driver Rear Side: Master control switch cannot operate the switch up
    or down. Passenger side switch can operate window up or down.

    Passenger Rear Side: Master control switch cannot operate the switch
    up or down. Passenger side switch can operate window down and will not
    operate up. Window is currently stuck in down position.

    I checked the fuses below the dashboard/steering and couldn't locate
    bad fuse controlling these operations.

    Is this a Master control switch problem?
    What's the problem with Passenger Rear window. It is currently down
    and need to bring it up and lock it so i can utilize the car without
    worrying about parking anywhere.

    Please advise.

    Thanks to all in advance.
    SK, Mar 14, 2007
  2. SK

    E Meyer Guest

    This sounds like the window lock button on the driver's master switch is
    engaged/broken. Its function is to disengage all the window controls except
    the driver's window. I would start with that and make sure it works. If
    that's not the problem, then start checking wires for breaks and compromised
    insulation where they bridge from the car body to the driver's door.
    E Meyer, Mar 14, 2007
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