civic shakes

Discussion in 'Civic' started by abdulmulla82, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. abdulmulla82

    abdulmulla82 Guest

    hi there
    am new here! i ve just recently bought a 99 civic vti 5 door hatch. my
    problem has just started recently, i noticed it when i was drivig about
    130 mph, when braking the rear of the car shakes like an eathquake,
    continues to do so until i get to about 70 mph, i was approaching a
    bend when i braked. i have been told that it maybe my wheel bearings or
    discs might have warped. how can you tell which one it is? also when
    driving about 5mph the rear brakes have a squeak on them, which is
    really annoying at times, but you cant hear it as soon as i spped up.
    could you guys tell me what my probs could be from experience and could
    the both problems be linked.
    open to all suggestions!!
    abdulmulla82, Nov 12, 2006
  2. It sounds more like bushings to me. At high speeds even a little play can
    produce oscillations. A close visual inspection of all the bushings, front
    and rear is in order. After all, you don't want to chase this forever.

    But really, why the extreme speeds? It seems like a losing idea.

    Michael Pardee, Nov 12, 2006
  3. abdulmulla82

    motsco_ Guest


    You're driving 130 Miles per hour (209 Km/Hr) in a car you just recently
    purchased and _suddenly_ as you approach a BEND, you decide you should
    try the brakes?

    No helpful comment put forth. Maybe a police office could give you some
    help because they're the only ones that are supposed to be going that
    fast, at least in most countries I can think of.

    motsco_, Nov 12, 2006
  4. I almost forgot - it could also be a tire separating. But if it is I reckon
    we won't be hearing from you again.

    Michael Pardee, Nov 13, 2006
  5. abdulmulla82

    ExtremeValue Guest

    If you feel any pulse on brake pedal (I am not sure about shaking like
    earthquake) when you press on it at this speed, my little experience
    suggests that its a warped rear drum. My rear wheel also create squeak
    at slow speed but as I speed up it disappears (perhaps I can't hear it
    because of other noise). Also when you brake lightly you should hear
    the squeak if its a warped drum.

    By the way, I enjoyed 'Curly's comment. Simply hilarious.
    ExtremeValue, Nov 13, 2006
  6. abdulmulla82

    highkm Guest

    Get your brakes serviced.

    Oh by the way, you'll warp the standard honda rotors and drums in one
    application if you slam on the brakes at that speed i.e. 209Km/h to
    almost a dead stop in few seconds.
    highkm, Nov 13, 2006
  7. abdulmulla82

    jim beam Guest

    bullshit. in my neck of the woods, the locals race stock honda disks on
    the track. ok, they may upgrade to 10.25" from 9.5", but still stock
    disks. if you're having problems with warped disks, it's not speed or
    heat. trust me on that. ever seen disks glow orange?
    jim beam, Nov 14, 2006
  8. abdulmulla82

    ExtremeValue Guest

    Can you explain a bit more on that? If its not the heat what might
    cause the "warp"? Thanks.
    ExtremeValue, Nov 14, 2006
  9. abdulmulla82

    jim beam Guest

    it's all about having the disk seated squarely on the hub. read my
    other post dated 11/13.
    jim beam, Nov 15, 2006
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