clunk - left rear

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by radar, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. radar

    radar Guest

    Have a small prob on my 2000 accord and hoping someone recognizes the
    prob. I hear a clunking sound in the left rear of the car if I move
    forward after having reversed, and at time I hear it if I crest
    something (ie. speed bump or up a steep parking garage driveway) but is
    pretty much not there on straight aways. Sometimes it can also be heard
    when accelerating sharply at a green light - basically it sounds like
    someone hammering in the wheel well. Any ideas on what it is? (no
    shimmy or shake when driving - perfectly smoothe).
    radar, Feb 3, 2005
  2. radar

    Jason Guest

    You could remove the left rear tire and take a close look at those areas
    that you can easily see--don't crawl under the car while it is jacked up.
    If you don't see any obvious problems--place the tire back on the car. If
    you failed to find the source of the clunking sound--During your next
    service appointment, ask your mechanic to place the car on the lift and
    take a close look at the suspension system--esp. the area around the left
    rear wheel.
    Jason, Feb 4, 2005
  3. radar

    DaveD Guest

    Take a close look at the upper shock/strut mount. You will have to unload
    (take the weight off of) the left rear wheel and check to see if the top nut
    is tight. If it is, ensure that the upper mounting plate is not moving....

    Dave D
    DaveD, Feb 4, 2005
  4. IIRC there was a post like this on a newsgroup I frequent (getting old is
    taking its toll on my memory) and a respondent said he had a loose brake
    caliper. It was only a clunk, but I sure would take the wheel off and have a
    good look.

    Michael Pardee, Feb 5, 2005
  5. radar

    radar Guest

    Well I got it back from the dealership and it actually turned out to be
    the links to the stabilizer at the back causing this. Replaced thos ($46
    a piece) and it's all good!
    radar, Feb 8, 2005
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