clutch issue

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bucky3, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. bucky3

    bucky3 Guest

    95 Integra manual with 140,000 miles. Here's the symptoms:

    In the morning, I shift into reverse and back out of the garage, no
    problem. But sometimes, when I try to shift out of reverse, the
    shifter is stuck. When that happens, I need to shut off the engine,
    shift into neutral, and then start the engine again. After that, no
    problems with shifting for the rest of the day, even in and out of

    Any thoughts on what the issue may be? Or eliminate issues?
    bucky3, Aug 13, 2009
  2. bucky3

    M.A. Stewart Guest

    Shifter linkage bushings? Investigate. Motor mounts? Investigate.
    M.A. Stewart, Aug 14, 2009
  3. bucky3

    Tegger Guest

    Exactly how do you start the engine and drive off?

    Do you floor the clutch, then leave it there as you start the engine and
    warm it up? Do you ever let the clutch out in neutral while warming up?
    Tegger, Aug 14, 2009
  4. bucky3

    jim beam Guest

    if cable, clutch cable needs adjusting. if hydraulic, clutch circuit
    needs filling & bleeding. if those don't work, the clutch plate center
    is sticking to the input shaft. needs to be removed, replaced and a
    little copper antiseize put onto the splines before reassembly.
    jim beam, Aug 14, 2009
  5. bucky3

    bucky3 Guest

    I let the clutch out in neutral while the car warms up for 30 seconds,
    then back out.
    bucky3, Aug 14, 2009
  6. bucky3

    Tegger Guest

    Next time you start the engine in the morning, don't just reverse out of
    the driveway immediately, but pump the clutch pedal to the floor (and full
    release) quickly several times before shifting into reverse.

    If the lever does /not/ get stuck in reverse after the pedal-pump sequence
    is performed, then jim beam is likely right about at least one of his two
    major points.

    My money is on the clutch actuation system not working properly (yours is
    hydraulic, I believe). If the friction disc was sticking to the splines,
    you'd have trouble shifting during normal driving as well.
    Tegger, Aug 14, 2009
  7. bucky3

    jim beam Guest

    i'm with you on that.

    depends how bad it is. the synchromeshes make it easier to shift in
    forward speeds than reverse so they are a little more tolerant of this
    jim beam, Aug 14, 2009
  8. bucky3

    Tegger Guest

    I had that exact problem a few years ago.

    It was especially difficult getting into second from first. Reverse was a
    problem as well, but that came along at the exact same time as the forward-
    gear problem.

    When the (original) clutch was finally replaced at 256,000 miles, the input
    shaft and friction disc splines were bright orange with rust. There was
    absolutely none of the factory lubricant left at all.

    That same transmission now has 327,000 miles on it. It's noisy as anything.
    There's bearing whine at certain speeds, plus lots of rattle from some
    source. Also the shifter is really sloppy. But gear-changing is just fine!
    Tegger, Aug 14, 2009
  9. bucky3

    bucky3 Guest

    OK, thanks for the tips! I'll try it out.
    bucky3, Aug 14, 2009
  10. bucky3

    M.A. Stewart Guest

    So you're ruling out 100% that the problem isn't being caused by bad bushings
    in the shift mechanism, bent shift rod, torque rod (road debris flying up
    and bending aforementioned etc.) etc., and the intermittent difficulty
    (shifting OUT of reverse) is attributed to a dragging clutch disc (whether
    it is caused by a fagged out clutch hydraulic actuation, limp clutch cable
    actuation, sticky clutch disc splines, or clutch adjustment)? Was the type
    of clutch actuation ever established (cable or hydraulic)?

    If so... and because the OP said it was intermittent, this problem can be
    sort of easily recreated (when the shifter isn't balky), by simply making the
    clutch drag slightly with the left foot, to feel if the balkiness is the

    "95 Integra manual with 140,000 miles. Here's the symptoms:

    In the morning, I shift into reverse and back out of the garage, no
    problem. But sometimes, when I try to shift out of reverse, the
    shifter is stuck. When that happens, I need to shut off the engine,
    shift into neutral, and then start the engine again. After that, no
    problems with shifting for the rest of the day, even in and out of

    Any thoughts on what the issue may be? Or eliminate issues?"
    M.A. Stewart, Aug 15, 2009
  11. bucky3

    bucky3 Guest

    I'm not very knowledgeable about cars, but I do know that my car has
    something called a master cylinder, so does that mean it's a hydraulic
    bucky3, Aug 15, 2009
  12. bucky3

    gmccx Guest

    It is possible, but note there is also a master cylinder for the braking
    system too. So the better question might be, do you have _two_ master
    cylinders? :) If you open the hood and look back in the right-rear
    corner you might be able to see a clutch cylinder mounted right on the
    firewall. You may also be able to see one for the brakes... they both
    likely have un-screw able lids on the reservoir to hold the hydraulic fluid.
    gmccx, Aug 16, 2009
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