Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DaveT, Sep 13, 2004.

  1. DaveT

    DaveT Guest

    Hey guys,

    I'm experiencing issues with my OEM radio/cd player. I disconnected the
    battery to do some work. After reconnecting the battery, I get a CODE
    message on my radio screen. I called Honda Dealer, gave them the serial #
    off the radio and they gave me the security code. I punch it in, and nothing
    happens. After three tries I don't hear beeps anymore, but CODE still
    appears on the screen. Another dealer said that ERROR should appear on the
    screen, so he thinks it's the radio itself that's the problem... but it was
    working perfectly before! He said it's going to be cheaper to just get
    another radio instead of having to send the OEM one to the shop for

    Has anyone else gone through this problem? Can anyone give me any clues
    that I should use? I really don't want to spend money on a radio if I know
    the original one works fine.

    Thanks in advance,

    DaveT, Sep 13, 2004
  2. DaveT

    motsco_ _ Guest


    CODE is 5 digits long. Have you had trouble with one of your buttons not
    working correctly?

    If it doesn't enter correctly, according to the manual, you have to
    leave it on ONE hour, then you can try again, up to three times.

    Code is often on a sticker in the glove box, or inside the fuse box
    cover, or it should be written inside the Owner's Manual. Writing it
    inside the fuse box is a good idea, since you may not have the manual
    with the vehicle on a trip.

    motsco_ _, Sep 13, 2004
  3. DaveT

    C B George Guest

    Speaking from experience, once the hour has passed, there will be another
    loud beep.
    C B George
    C B George, Sep 13, 2004
  4. DaveT

    DaveT Guest

    I had no prior problems with my buttons, all work fine. I try three times,
    then I disconnect the battery cable so I can reset itself again. I'll try
    looking in the fuse box. I bought the car used with no manuals or nothing.
    I'm already looking for another radio. I can't believe this happens to me, I
    mean for no reason what so ever the radio doesn't wanna work. Here's
    another question... does the radio have a different serial # then the CD
    player? I gave the dealer the serial # I saw beneath the CD player when you
    take out the ash tray. I'm assuming since it's "one piece", it'll be the
    same # for both. I mean why would they give me a security code for the CD
    player when it's not the CD player that freezes. I had different people from
    the dealers tell me two stories, yes they are the same and no they are
    different. Even in the print out the dealer gave me, it says radio/cd unit.

    DaveT, Sep 14, 2004
  5. DaveT

    motsco_ _ Guest


    There's your problem... the serial number you need is on TOP of the radio.

    The dealer where the car was serviced often keeps the CODE on file,
    since the technicialns have to reset it from time to time. It might be
    much easier to find out where it was serviced most often, and ask them.

    motsco_ _, Sep 14, 2004
  6. DaveT

    DaveT Guest

    Thanks Curly!!!

    I'll try to locate them ASAP!

    DaveT, Sep 14, 2004
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