Code P1491 insufficient EGR valve lift 98 Civic HX MT

Discussion in 'Civic' started by delbert brecht, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. This code (P1491 or MIL 12) begins to come up when the weather turns cold.
    The code reader says "insufficient egr flow". The svc manual says
    insufficient egr valve lift. Two ways of saying the same thing. It
    generally surfaces on the first really cold day when it is damp. It is the
    only code currently in the ecu. It has done it every winter since it was
    three years old. I would like to get it to go away permanently. Resetting
    makes it go away for 2-3 start cycles and then it is back.

    Is there anyway I can get it to stop short of replacing the egr assembly?
    Take it apart and clean carbon? Spray carb cleaner?

    Does any body else have this problem with the MT Civic HX D16YT5 engine?

    We just replaced the primary oxygen sensor just before it started setting
    this code but I don't think the two are related because it has done it

    1988 Civic DX retired with 234K due to extensive rust and gas tank problems
    1998 Civic HX MT with 138K
    delbert brecht, Dec 19, 2007
  2. delbert brecht

    Matt Ion Guest

    Is the EGR still vacuum-operated in that car? It could be a failing
    vacuum diaphragm or leaky vacuum line to it.
    Matt Ion, Dec 20, 2007
  3. delbert brecht

    Tegger Guest

    No. Insufficient /flow/ is a different error code, P0401.

    Your flow is probably still within limits, but the valve is starting to
    stick. It might even be the valve lift sensor at the top of the EGR valve,
    which may be giving incorrect information to the ECM.

    There is an extensive testing procedure outlined in the factory shop

    Check the electrical connector at the EGR valve. Make sure the wires aren't
    internally cracked, and aren't corroded.

    See above. I don't know if this valve can be cleaned or not.
    Tegger, Dec 20, 2007
  4. 12/19/07 19:5212/19/07 19:
    It seems like that would cause a hard code at all times of the year and all
    weather conditions. This only shows up in cold weather.

    I think it is vacuum operated but controlled electrically via a solenoid
    delbert brecht, Dec 20, 2007
  5. 12/20/07 7:3212/20/07 7:0m
    Thanks for your help. It is interesting that the code definition in the code
    reader (code scout 1500 by auto x-ray) would be different than the
    definition in the service manual. If I ever get this figured out I will post
    an update. It doesn't seem to effect the drivability or mileage at all. The
    car seems to have more power and pep since we replaced the oxygen sensor
    delbert brecht, Dec 20, 2007
  6. delbert brecht

    Tegger Guest

    The code you have is an "enhanced" Honda-specific code. It is not an EPA
    mandated code. The software in that reader may not have been programmed by
    someone who actually knew what Honda wanted the text for the code to say.

    The upshot: The alphanumeric code is significant, any text given is not.
    Unless the reader is specifically sold as being compatible with Honda
    "enhanced" codes.

    That would be nice. Not everybody bothers to do that.
    Tegger, Dec 20, 2007
  7. delbert brecht

    JM Guest

    Just a guess, but maybe in the colder weather, the (I assume rubber) vaccum
    line to the EGR valve gets harder and leaks at one end or the other, but
    when it's warmer, it's able to stay pliable enough to hold vacuum. Maybe
    it's dried out at either end and split a little bit, and is right on the
    edge of leaking all the time.
    JM, Dec 21, 2007
  8. delbert brecht

    Woody Guest

    The solution will come when you stop trying to psyche out the temperature
    and pull the valve. Check for carbon build up in the ports to the valve and
    the valve. The next problem you will see by running a long time with a
    defective egr will be Catalytic converter efficiency as the exhaust gases
    wipe out the converter....
    Woody, Dec 21, 2007
  9. Well I promised a follow up to this saga and here it is.

    First the 1998 HX MT with the D16Y5 engine has an EGR valve that is
    controlled by electric wires only-no vacuum hoses that I can see. The
    automatic trans version of the engine does have a solenoid controlled vacuum
    hose according to the shop manual. There are only 5 wires on the MT version
    that plug into the top of the EGR valve and no hoses. I simply pulled the
    connector off and put a scant drop of ProGold G100L "connector and contact
    conditioner" on each female connector. This kind of contact conditioner can
    be purchased from Cyberguys or similar computer supply houses and is used to
    treat the gold contacts on ram chips and pci cards.

    I then gave each male connector a TINY twist of about 1 or 2 degrees using
    a very small pair of bent tip needle nose pliers ( a trick I learned as a
    tech at the Honda school) and replaced the connector. Reset the ECU with my
    scan tool and drove it. It usually set another P1491 code within a day or
    two after clearing the code but it has been 10 days without it coming back.
    I have my fingers crossed.

    I think that we are dealing with very small differences in voltage or
    resistance here and crappy connections signal the ECU that the "EGR valve
    lift sensor" has detected insufficient lift. Remember this is only for the
    HX manual transmission for the D16Y5 engine.

    I was going to pull the EGR valve right off to clean carbon off but the nuts
    or bolts that hold it down are recessed under the base like the old carbs
    nuts were tucked under the base of the carb and one needed a special
    U-shaped wrench to remove them. It was too cold to attempt that now so I
    just did the above mentioned procedure and I think it worked.

    12/19/07 14:3912/19/07 14:
    delbert brecht, Jan 10, 2008
  10. Well the good luck didn't last. It set another codes P1491(insufficient lift
    detected) AND another code on top of it P0401 which is also EGR related
    (insufficient flow). I have ordered another EGR valve and gasket and will
    replace and clean the EGR port and report back.

    12/19/07 14:3912/19/07 14:
    delbert brecht, Jan 17, 2008
  11. Well it didn't do much good. The P1491 code is pretty much gone but I still
    get a code P0401 EGR insufficient Flow. It sets the second or third time we
    drive after clearing the code. I tried removing the EGR valve and cleaning
    the ports with a length of heavy duty nylon string trimmer string with a
    beveled tip and serrations on the side. It did the hole that went to the
    exhaust manifold alright but the other side leading to the intake manifold
    seemed to have some kind of obstruction. We tried to soften up the carbon
    with carb cleaner but nothing worked.

    I did some more research after noticing some bolts on a plate under the fuel
    injection rail. The plate covers the EGR "runner" opening leading to the 4
    cylinders. I have ordered the gasket for this plate, the EGR valve and all
    the injector gaskets and o rings so I can remove the fuel rail and the
    plate and clean the carbon out once and for all. This seems to be a setup
    that is not unique to the D16Y5 engine in the '98 Civic HX. I am pretty sure
    this will do the trick.

    This is part number 11 and 12 in the intake manifold section of most Honda
    parts diagrams or see this link.

    I have a good quality digital camera and will take pictures of the process.
    Can anyone offer suggestions as to where to post them?

    1/17/08 13:021/17/08 13:
    delbert brecht, Feb 26, 2008
  12. I forgot to mention that we did replace the EGR solenoid/valve and gasket to
    get rid of the P1491 code. It did not go away by itself. This post is
    slightly out of sequence to my prior post.

    1/17/08 13:021/17/08 13:
    delbert brecht, Feb 26, 2008
  13. delbert brecht

    Tegger Guest


    Quite an adventure you've had. Are you yet thoroughly disgusted
    by the abomination that is EGR? It seems eventually to cause
    nothing but trouble for just about everybody.

    What I don't get is why some cars seem to be able to manage
    their NOx emissions without EGR and some don't. This is true
    even when the only difference between them is the type of

    My goodness, such URL butchery. You must be using Outhouse Express
    to be able to achieve such carnage.

    Let's fix that URL:

    There are a number of sites, such as Photobucket
    where you can upload stuff for free. You can search this group
    for some recent postings where people have used other sites for
    that purpose.

    Alternatively, you can send me the pictures and a writeup, and I can
    put it up on my site, text and all. Contact me by email if you
    wish to go that route.
    Tegger, Feb 26, 2008
  14. 2/25/08 21:322/25/08 21:
    Well I did manage to get a definitive answer on how to get rid of these
    codes. I documented the repair with photos and text and with the kind
    assistance of Tegger we have posted the whole thing to the Unofficial
    Honda/Accura Usenet FAQ.

    Tegger has announced the update of the FAQ site on this and other newsgroups
    but I thought I would provide a link directly to the page under the original
    thread in the hope that the fix might be easier to find for those who come
    in late on the thread. Here is the direct link to the treatise on the EGR
    repair to this 1998 Civic HX MT VTEC-e engine (D16Y5).

    Thanks for all the support from this group. It was a pleasure to give back
    and kudos to Tegger for the hours of attention he gave to this project.

    Please remove "yourpants" to reply
    1988 Civic DX retired with 234K due to extensive rust and gas tank problems
    1998 Civic HX MT with 138K
    2000 CRV EX MT with 98K
    delbert brecht, Mar 30, 2008
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