coincidence or possible?(short read)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Delpie, Dec 11, 2003.

  1. Delpie

    Delpie Guest

    1994 Integra LS....
    Drove 207,000 miles on regular 87 octane gas
    Had a slight cold idle rev.
    Mechanic suggested some Premium 93 Octane
    3 tankfuls later the check engine light came on and diagnosed as code 41 Heated
    O2 sensor.
    Could the change of octane have caused this? or is this just a coincidence?

    Delpie, Dec 11, 2003
  2. Delpie

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Nope, that code isn't a failure of the sensor's ability to measure anything,
    that is a failure of the heater circuit that gets the sensor into
    operational ranger faster. The fuel almost definitely had nothing to do
    with the failure.
    Jafir Elkurd, Dec 11, 2003
  3. Delpie

    jim Guest

    any thing could happen..if the transmission went out with a car with
    207,000 miles, would you ask the same question??? or if the motor froze
    up would you????
    jim, Dec 11, 2003
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