Cold air intake whistling noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mark, Mar 2, 2006.

  1. Mark

    Mark Guest

    I just installed a cold air intake and have noticed (and have been
    trying not to notice ever since) a whistling noise (sounds like a tea
    kettle) that occurs only when the gas pedal is about 1/3 depressed and
    only under load (doesn't do it in neutral). It's not because of a leak
    or anything. Anyone have this problem and/or know the solution?
    Mark, Mar 2, 2006
  2. Mark

    Mark Guest

    Oh yeah, it's a '99 Accord, 4 cylinder...
    Mark, Mar 2, 2006
  3. Mark

    macbubba Guest

    check out the vacum advance line
    macbubba, Mar 2, 2006
  4. Mark

    Mark Guest

    Could you elaborate?
    Mark, Mar 2, 2006
  5. Mark

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Put the stock intake back. It has an elaborate silencing arrangement that
    your "cold air" intake doesn't have.

    Your "cold air" intake is likely not doing anything except making your
    engine bay look pretty and your wallet thinner.
    TeGGeR®, Mar 2, 2006
  6. Mark

    jim beam Guest

    we should qualify that statement:

    "your 'cold air' intake is likely not doing anything ... on your honda."

    there's no doubt that on some vehicles, notably domestic v8's, air is
    being sucked through severely choked down piping that would restrict a
    1200cc import, let alone a 5 liter v8. in that situation, "cold air"
    can definitely make a difference.
    jim beam, Mar 2, 2006
  7. Mark

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I would agree with that. Anyone who's ever tried to use his hand to block
    off the air horn on a small-carbed V8 (at or above idle) will attest to the
    *considerable* suction present. Our little fours have nothing like it.

    My old '76 Dodge Coronet's 318 had a fairly quiet intake -- until a new air
    filter element was installed. A new filter produced a noticeably loud
    *whoooooooo* noise when you opened the throttle. This noise gradually went
    away as the filter got dirtier.
    TeGGeR®, Mar 2, 2006
  8. Mark

    Mark Guest

    I appreciate that everyone has their own opinion, but I can tell you
    that it does make a difference. Now, if future posts could be directly
    at my original question that would be great.
    Mark, Mar 3, 2006
  9. Mark

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I did. Go read it again.

    The stock intake system is elaborately and expensively designed with the
    very explicit intent of controlling intake noise. If you replace it with an
    aftermarket one, the silencing features are gone, so resonance can occur
    under certain circumstances and you'll hear strange noises.

    You can also check to make sure nothing's loose, and that the intake pipe
    itself isn't vibrating in sympathy with the engine. If all is well, you can
    only experiment with internal baffling, additional bracing and other tricks
    in an attempt to prevent resonance.

    Trust me, that "cold air intake' isn't gaining you any usable power that
    would not require a dynamometer to see. But it sure *sounds* more powerful,
    doesn't it?
    TeGGeR®, Mar 3, 2006
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